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Salman Zaferanlouei Presentations:
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First one: 28-10-2020
Defence topic:
Integration of Electric Vehicles into Power Distribution Systems–The Norwegian Case Study; Using High-Performance Multi-Period AC Optimal Power Flow Solver

Folder containing the presentation files: 1_PhDDefence
Presentaion file: ThesisPresentation.pdf

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Second one: 28-10-2020
Trial lecture topic:
The emerging role of fast frequency reserves

(FFR) in balancing markets
Folder containing the presentation files: 2_TrialLecture
Presentation File: TrialLecture.pdf
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Third one: 25-02-2021
Webinar Innovation,
Invited for talk by Prof. Kjell Sand
About the project:
Large-scale integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) (Such as wind, solar, Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and Electric Vehicles (EV)) into the power systems distribution grid has been initiated to reduce the rate of CO2 emission, and to react to the increasing global warming. To achieve this, it is of great importance for power system engineers to analyse these resources impact and operate them in a reliable, cost-efficient, and computationally tractable manner.
A Multi-Period AC Optimal Power Flow (MPOPF) Solver, “BATTPOWER”, has been developed at IEL, NTNU, in 2020:
The goal of Discovery project is to deliver the first version of the solver to the industry partner: Taking a main step from research to industry usage. We aim for developing the foundations for a new generation of optimal power flow solvers that can handle all relevant DER in a computationally highly efficient way.

NTNU IEL: Salman Zaferanlouei and Magnus Korpås Innovation Manager: Ida Fuchs
NTNU TTO: Mads Reiten and Vetle Engesbak
Folder containing the presentation files: 3_WebinarInnovation
Presentation File: WebinarInnovation.pdf

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Forth one: 23-09-2021
NTNU Team Battery Seminar
Invited to be the representative of EMESP group,
Location: Scandic Lerkendal Hotel,
Duration 10 min,
Session 3: Systems Integration and Applications,
Folder containing the presentation files: 4_NTNU_TeamBatterySeminar
Presentation File: TeamBatt.pdf
Presentation Text:

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Fifth one: 03-03-2022
Title: Introduction to a high-performace multiperiod optimal power flow solver;
Winter School Workshop 2022: Planning Under uncertainty in energy markets, Feburary 28th - March 4th;
One of the students presentations;
Location: Quality Hotel Skifer, Oppdal;
Duration 15 min,
Folder containing the presentation files: 5_WinterSchool_2022
Presentation File: WinterSchool.pdf
Presentation Text: I did not prepare!


Salman Zaferanlouei Presentations on NTNU






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