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Opiskelijabileet fi

This repository consists of two application infrastructures, which have been glued together

  • Django
  • Angular

The process for setting them up is separate. Starting a Django application is not as straight forward as with many other frameworks.


(these instructions are for OS X where Windows isn't explicitly specified)

You should make sure that your development environment has the following tools. Please search for the installation instructions from Google if some or all are missing.

  • python (2.7)
  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • nodejs
  • npm

(1) Clone this repository
Clone this repository to a location on your machine of your own choosing

git clone *repo url*

**(2) Set up virtualenv and activate it**  
A virtual environment will hold all your development dependencies for Python code. By separating it this way, it's easier to manage projects with different dependencies.

The location for the virtual environment doesn't matter.

**Create env**  
virtualenv *env name*

Activate it

source *path_to_env*/bin/activate



(3) Install Python dependencies
With your terminal, navigate into the opiskelijabileet/server directory and run

pip install -r requirements.txt

(4) Initialize the database

python makemigrations
python migrate

Create admin user

python createsuperuser

Nice job, now we've set up Django. Next up; Angular

(1) Install Angular dependencies
Navigate to opiskelijabileet webapp with your terminal and run

npm install

To see it in action, navigate to opiskelijabileet/server and run

python runserver

The server will start and be accessible in the address

If you navigate to you can login with the superuser credentials and create mock data.