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Working with docker on windows

Due to security reasons, some of the screenshots of the work performed have been severely curtailed and deleted

Download, restart and basic commands

downloading the image of the docker pull nginx container

checking for the presence of the docker images ls image + container size docker images

running the docker run -d nginx image

checking the launch of the docker ps image

part of the information about the container docker inspect [container_id|container_name]

stopping the container image docker stop [container_id|container_name] and docker ps -a

running the image on ports 80 and 443 docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 nginx if you enter it in the browser http://localhost:80 get rid of the official nginx page

restart and check docker restart [container_id|container_name]

Configuring nginx.conf

contents of the original nginx file docker exec [container_id|container_name] cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

the contents of the new nginx.conf file are located in the folder ./task_2/source new nginx

co-opting my file to the container image docker cp nginx.conf [container_id|container_name]:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

restart via exec docker exec [container_id|container_name] nginx -s reload

container export docker export [container_id|container_name] -o container.tar

stopping the image docker stop [container_id|container_name]

deleting the docker rmi -f [image_id] image

deleting a stopped container docker rm -f [container_id|container_name]

import docker import ./container.tar

add the tag docker tag [image_id] my_import_image:nginx to the local file

running the image on ports 80 and 443 docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 my_import_image:nginx nginx -g 'daemon off;' check the status on the page http://localhost:80/status

Serven to fastcgi in c

I wrote a simple server with the response hello world in c, for further launching it on port 81 the server is located in the folder ./task_3/source/main.c

wrote nginx configuration to listen on port 81 using FastCGI to process requests in docker (port 8080) the configuration is located in ./task_3/source/nginx.conf

since I'm working inside the image, I decided to download all the packages and the server itself into the image. updating the apt-get program:

  • docker exec [container_id|container_name] apt-get update

downloading packages:

  • docker exec [container_id|container_name] apt-get install -y libfcgi-dev
  • docker exec [container_id|container_name] apt-get install spawn-fcgi

download the compiler:

  • docker exec [container_id|container_name] apt-get install -y install gcc

file co-op in docker

  • docker cp main.c [container_id|container_name]:task_3/source/main.c
  • docker cp nginx.conf [container_id|container_name]:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

restarting nginx docker exec [container_id|container_name] nginx -s reload

compilation of the server file into the used server file server

  • docker exec [container_id|container_name] gcc -o server main.c -lfcgi

starting the server docker exec spawn-fcgi -p 8080 ./server

checking the server: port_81

Writing a Dockerfile to execute all positions above

Dockerfile (task_4/source/Dockerfile):

FROM nginx

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libfcgi-dev \
spawn-fcgi \

COPY main.c .
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

RUN gcc -o server main.c -lfcgi
CMD spawn-fcgi -p 8080 server && nginx -g 'daemon off;'

build the image using the build command. To build, you need to be in the same directory docker build -t name/part:tag

start with mapping port 81 to port 80 docker run -d -p 80:81 [image_id] verification http://localhost:80

fix nginx.conf new nginx

restarting the container status new

Using Dockle

Since I work on windows, I used a dockle image, so running it is a bit specific.

download dockle docker pull goodwithtech/dockle

launched it according to the official repository docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock goodwithtech/dockle [image_id]

received error reports

  • FATAL CIS-DI-0010
  • FATAL DKL-DI-0005
  • WARN CIS-DI-0001
  • WARN DKL-DI-0006
  • other INFO

To fix serious errors, I had to rewrite the Dockerfile (task_5/source/Dockerfile)

  • added a user to it
  • folders inside nginx
  • permissions for nginx
  • deleted apt-get stories
FROM nginx:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libfcgi-dev \
spawn-fcgi \
gcc \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN groupadd -r appgroup && useradd -r -g appgroup new_user
USER new_user
COPY main.c /tmp/
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
RUN gcc -o /tmp/server /tmp/main.c -lfcgi
USER root
RUN mkdir -p /var/cache/nginx/client_temp \
&& chown -R new_user:appgroup /var/cache/nginx/client_temp \
&& chmod -R 777 /var/cache/nginx/client_temp
CMD spawn-fcgi -p 8080 /tmp/server && nginx -g 'daemon off;'

to accept suspicious (FATAL CIS-DI-0010), because I do not use these environment variables (this is inside nginx), I used the flag --ak NGINX_GPGKEY_PATH --ak NGINX_GPGKE

running docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock goodwithtech/dockle --ak NGINX_GPGKEY_PATH --ak NGINX_GPGKEY [image_id|image_name:tag]

Creating Docker-compose.yml

New docker-compose files.yml, nginx.conf, add to ./task_6/source/

In docker-compose.yml I use two containers, one that is created from the dockerfile folder ./task_5/source/, the first container uses its nginx.conf from ./task_5/source/.

My main nginx container runs on port 80 and transmits all changes. Its nginx.conf is listening on port 8080. Port 80 proxies all requests to port 81.

In order to create a web server, I use the commands docker-compose build and to run docker-compose run port80