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Colored Matrix


A Python library for changing the colors in the terminal using ANSI escape codes.


To install Colored Matrix, use pip:

pip install coloredmatrix


To use Colored Matrix, import the Stylize class and the Color constants, and call the desired methods on a Stylize object:

from coloredmatrix import Stylize, Color

# Set the background color to green

# Set the background color to red

# Set the background color to green and the foreground color to red

# Set the text to bold and underlined

You can also pass an RGB color tuple to the bg_color and fg_color methods:

from coloredmatrix import Stylize

# Set the background color to red using an RGB color tuple
print(Stylize("hello").bg_color((255, 0, 0)))

# Set the background color to green using an RGB color tuple
print(Stylize("hello").bg_color((0, 255, 0)))

# Set the background color to red and the foreground color to green using RGB color tuples
print(Stylize("hello").bg_color((255, 0, 0)).fg_color((0, 255, 0)))

Text Styling

The Stylize class provides the following methods for styling text:

  • bold: Makes the text bold
  • italic: Makes the text italic
  • underline: Underlines the text
  • blink: Makes the text blink
  • strike: Strikes through the text

You can chain these methods to apply multiple styles to the same text. For example:

from coloredmatrix import Stylize

# Set the text to bold, italic, and underlined

# Set the text to blink and struck through


If you are having trouble using coloredmatrix in Windows, there are a few things you can try to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Make sure that your system supports ANSI escape codes. Some older versions of Windows may not support ANSI escape codes, which are used by coloredmatrix to change the colors in the terminal.
  • Enable virtual terminal processing. In some versions of Windows, you may need to enable virtual terminal processing in order for ANSI escape codes to work. To do this, you can try adding the VirtualTerminalLevel registry key under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\console key.

To do this, open the command prompt or PowerShell with administrative privileges and run the following command:

REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\console" /v "VirtualTerminalLevel" /t REG_DWORD /d 1

and restart the cmd/PowerShell

Supported Colors

You can also use RGB color tuples to specify any other color.
The Color constants define the following colors:

Color Name Color Name Color Name Color Name Color Name
MediumVioletRed DeepPink PaleVioletRed HotPink LightPink
Pink DarkRed Red Firebrick Crimson
IndianRed LightCoral Salmon DarkSalmon LightSalmon
OrangeRed Tomato DarkOrange Coral Orange
DarkKhaki Gold Khaki PeachPuff Yellow
PaleGoldenrod Moccasin PapayaWhip LightGoldenrodYellow LemonChiffon
LightYellow Maroon Brown SaddleBrown Sienna
Chocolate DarkGoldenrod Peru RosyBrown Goldenrod
SandyBrown Tan Burlywood Wheat NavajoWhite
Bisque BlanchedAlmond Cornsilk Indigo Purple
DarkMagenta DarkViolet DarkSlateBlue BlueViolet DarkOrchid
Fuchsia Magenta SlateBlue MediumSlateBlue MediumOrchid
MediumPurple Orchid Violet Plum Thistle
Lavender MidnightBlue Navy DarkBlue MediumBlue
Blue RoyalBlue SteelBlue DodgerBlue DeepSkyBlue
CornflowerBlue SkyBlue LightSkyBlue LightSteelBlue LightBlue
PowderBlue Teal DarkCyan LightSeaGreen CadetBlue
DarkTurquoise MediumTurquoise Turquoise Aqua Cyan
Aquamarine PaleTurquoise LightCyan DarkGreen Green
DarkOliveGreen ForestGreen SeaGreen Olive OliveDrab
MediumSeaGreen LimeGreen Lime SpringGreen MediumSpringGreen
DarkSeaGreen MediumAquamarine YellowGreen LawnGreen Chartreuse
LightGreen GreenYellow PaleGreen MistyRose AntiqueWhite
Linen Beige WhiteSmoke LavenderBlush OldLace
AliceBlue Seashell GhostWhite Honeydew FloralWhite
Azure MintCream Snow Ivory White
Black DarkSlateGray DimGray SlateGray Gray
LightSlateGray DarkGray Silver LightGray Gainsboro


License Colored Matrix is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.