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A modern, easy to use C++ test framework. Formerly known as simple-cpp-test-framework.


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This is an easy to use, header-only testing framework for C++11/14/17 featuring a simple, yet powerfull API and the capability to parallelize tests using OpenMP.

To use it, just include the all in one header into your builds. If you want to include it via CMake, have a look at Usage.

So why actually writing a new testing framework?

There are great C++ testing frameworks available out there, but each has its pro's and con's. When I started to write proper tests for my projects, I couldn't find a testing framework that completely suited my needs. So I thought, why not just writing my own one which simply has every feature I'd like. This framework is designed around simplicity and effectiveness in usage as well as the frameworks code itself. There is no excessive documentation reading required or complicated build integration. Everything is hidden that distracts you from focusing on what really counts - writing qualitative tests. Of course this framework might not suite all your needs, hence feel free to provide suggestions, or request a feature you'd wish to have. Please have a look at the full feature set.


Feature Set

As a short summary of all features, have a look at this list.

  • Single header file for inclusion
  • Self registering test suites
  • Comparator based assertions
    • equals
    • less than
    • greater than
    • in range (strings, containers)
    • regex match, search
  • Report generation in different formats
    • JUnit XML
    • markdown
    • JSON
    • console output
    • support for ANSI colors, and whitespace stripping
  • default main with
    • commandline parsing
    • glob based inlcude/exclude filters for testsuites
    • report format selection
  • Multithreaded test execution with OpenMP
  • Output capturing per testcase (even when multithreaded)
  • Unit and behavior-driven test styles
  • Compatible compilers
    • gcc
    • clang
    • msvc


Just inlude the release tpp.hpp header file into your build. Alternatively, for CMake integration add the following parts to your CMakeLists.txt:

add_subdirectory(path/to/TestPlusPlus EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
target_link_libraries(... tpp)

Tests can then be written in source files and simply linked into your test binaries. In one of your test source files call the TPP_DEFAULT_MAIN macro. All tests automatically register themselves, and the rest is done by Test++. The produced binary allows report selection, filtering etc. In order to run tests in multiple threads you have to enable OpenMP at compilation (e.g. for gcc add -fopenmp flag). Every output to stdout or stderr from inside tests is captured per testcase and can be included in the report.

To run your tests, run the resulting binary.

$ ./my-test --help
Usage: ./my-test [OPTIONS] [filename]
Default is to report to standard-out in an informative text format (using console-reporter).

  --help: Print this message and exit.
  --xml : Report in JUnit-like XML format.
  --md  : Report in markdown format.
  --json: Report in json format.
  -c    : Use ANSI colors in report, if supported by reporter.
  -s    : Strip unnecessary whitespaces from report.
  -o    : Report captured output from tests, if supported by reporter.
  -t <n>: Set the thread count for parallel testsuites explicitly.

  Multiple filters are possible, but includes and excludes are mutually exclusive.
  Patterns may contain * as wildcard.

  -e <pattern> : Exclude testsuites with names matching pattern.
  -i <pattern> : Include only testsuites with names matching pattern.

Test Styles

Basically there exist two approaches of writing tests. One is the classic unit test style, where tests are generally designed around an implementation. The other is behavior driven test style (BDD), where tests are designed around the behavior of an implementation. No matter which of them you prefer, this framework serves both. In the end DESCRIBE is just an alias for SUITE, same with IT and TEST.

Scopes and Fixtures

A testsuite is nothing else than a class definition under the hood, which is instantiated with static lifetime. Hence the same scoping rules as for usual class definitions apply to testsuites. Testcases are member functions of their testsuite. Hence the usual scoping rules for class methods apply to them.

You might know the need for fixtures, basically an instance of a unit under test (UUT), in other contexts. It is up to you to decide whether testcases should be isolated, or run against a designated fixture. This framework supports the usage of fixtures, as you can just declare any object at testsuite scope - remember, it's just a member field in the end. Also it is possible to define functions that will be executed once before and after all testcases, as well as before and after each testcase. But be carefull when you use these features in multithreaded tests, as there is no additional synchronization happening. Have a look at the examples, or the API to see how this is done exactly.

Floating Point Numbers

As floating-point equality comparison relies on a so called epsilon, we need to define such an epsilon. The global epsilon value is used by default, but it's possible to pass a certain epsilon value for a single comparison. This epsilon is actually not the epsilon as per definition, but a precision threshold. You could use the machine epsilon, but this may lead to false-negative test results, as it could be too accurate. If you compare floating-point numbers for equality at any point, you must define the global epsilon by invoking TPP_EPSILON(epsilon) macro once. For example if you use 0.001 as epsilon, 0.100234 and 0.100345 will be considered equals.

Regular Expressions

This framework provides two comparators for regular expression matching, MATCH and LIKE. The first one does a full match, while the second does a search. When passing a cstring, or string to these comparators a default std::regex is used. To provide better support there are literal operators "you regex"_re, and "your regex"_re_i for case insensitive matching. Both operators create regular expressions with ECMAScript syntax. The comparators optionally accept std::match_results in order to provide access to captured groups from the regex.


Simple Unit Test

#include "tpp.hpp"

using namespace tpp;

SUITE("testSomething") {
    TEST("abc") {
        ASSERT(x+1, EQ, 11);
        std::cmatch m;
        ASSERT("hello world", MATCH, "(hello).*"_re, m);
        ASSERT_EQ(m.str(1), "hello");
        ASSERT_NOT("xyz"s, IN, "hello"s);
        int i = 101;
    TEST("multiple numbers") {
        ASSERT_EQUALS(0, 0);
        ASSERT_NOT_EQ(.0, 1.0, 0.01);
        ASSERT_IN(6, std::pair<int, int>(1, 5));
    TEST("ranges") {
        ASSERT('w', IN, std::string("world"));
        ASSERT_IN(std::string(""), std::vector<std::string>{""});
    TEST("exceptions") {
        auto e = ASSERT_THROWS(throw std::logic_error("abc"), std::logic_error);
        ASSERT_EQ(std::string(e.what()), "abc");
        auto r = ASSERT_NOTHROW(return 1);
        ASSERT_EQ(r, 1);

Behavior Driven Test

#include "tpp.hpp"

using tpp::GT;


class MyClass {
        int i = 0;
        bool function() { return true; }

DESCRIBE("testMyClass") {
    MyClass my;

    SETUP() {
        my.i = 1;
    AFTER_EACH() {

    IT("should return true") {
    IT("should hold i larger than 0") {
        ASSERT(my.i, GT, 0);



Macro Arguments Description
SUITE, DESCRIBE description (cstring) Create a testsuite.
SUITE_PAR, DESCRIBE_PAR description (cstring) Create a testsuite, where all tests will get executed concurrently in multiple omp threads.
TEST, IT description (cstring) Create a testcase in a testsuite.
SETUP Define a function, which will be executed once before all testcases.
TEARDOWN Define a function, which will be executed once after all testcases.
BEFORE_EACH Define a function, which will be executed before each testcase.
AFTER_EACH Define a function, which will be executed after each testcase.


Comparator Description Optional Arguments
EQ Compare two values to be equal. Accepts an epsilon value.
GT Compare one value to be greater than another.
LT Compare one value to be less than another.
IN Check a container (C++ "ranges") to contain the value and for strings to contain a substring.
MATCH Match a given string to a regular expression. Accepts a std::match_result as reference.
LIKE Search a regular expression in a given string. Accepts a std::match_result as reference.


Assertion Parameters Description
ASSERT V, C, E, ... Assert successfull comparison of V and E with C, pass further arguments to C.
ASSERT_NOT V, C, E, ... Like ASSERT, but with negated result.
ASSERT_EQ V, E, ... Assert using EQ comparator.
ASSERT_NOT_EQ V, E, ... Assert using EQ comparator, but with negated result.
ASSERT_LT V, E Assert using LT comparator.
ASSERT_NOT_LT V, E Assert using LT comparator, but with negated result.
ASSERT_GT V, E Assert using GT comparator.
ASSERT_NOT_GT V, E Assert using GT comparator, but with negated result.
ASSERT_IN V, E Assert using IN comparator.
ASSERT_NOT_IN V, E Assert using IN comparator, but with negated result.
ASSERT_MATCH V, E, ... Assert using MATCH comparator.
ASSERT_NOT_MATCH V, E, ... Assert using MATCH comparator, but with negated result.
ASSERT_LIKE V, E, ... Assert using LIKE comparator.
ASSERT_NOT_LIKE V, E, ... Assert using LIKE comparator, but with negated result.
ASSERT_TRUE V Assert V to be true.
ASSERT_FALSE V Assert V to be false.
ASSERT_NULL V Assert V to be nullptr.
ASSERT_NOT_NULL V Assert V to be not nullptr.
ASSERT_THROWS S, E Assert S to throw T. Returns the instance of T.
ASSERT_NOTHROW S Assert S not to throw. Returns the return value of S if there is any.
ASSERT_RUNTIME S, M Assert S to finish in M milliseconds. S is not interrupted if the time exceeds M. Returns the return value of S if there is any.

Parallelization Of Tests

This testing framework serves the capability of parallelizing tests using OpenMP. Actually it is not really parallel, but concurrent. Nevertheless, it may reduce test durations massively. Parallel test suites must not be used for components that itself utilize any kind of thtreading other than OpenMP, as it would produce UB. Keep in mind that tests running concurrently must be completely independent from each other. The same rules for usual multithreading apply here, to not produce dataraces or deadlocks. As long as testcases do not share any data, it is completely threadsafe. If testcases share data, you have to take care of synchronization. This also applies to BEFORE_EACH and AFTER_EACH definitions, while SETUP and TEARDOWN are executed synchronous. Also consider, spawning threads has some overhead. Hence there is no point in running just a few fast tests concurrently. Usually the threadpool is kept alive in the background. So if you use parallel testsuites once, don't be afraid to use them wherever you can, even for short tests as there is not much more overhead.


Contribution to this project is always welcome.