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📚 documentation
:books: documentation
A request for additional usage or API documentation
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
A bug that has been verified by the developer
🚸 duplicate
:children_crossing: duplicate
This issue was already reported
🚧 conflict
:construction: conflict
Something that doesn't work when the addon is run alongside another
🔒 taint
:lock: taint
A situation in which a taint dialog appeared
🙅 invalid
:no_good: invalid
A question or bug caused by another addon
🍝 blizzard bug
:spaghetti: blizzard bug
The issue is on Blizzard's end (spaghetti code)
✨ enhancement
:sparkles: enhancement
A new feature or improvement request
🌟 intended
:star2: intended
This issue reports intended behaviour
💕 exclusion
:two_hearts: exclusion
A request for items to be excluded from being scrapped by default