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Martin edited this page Nov 25, 2019 · 10 revisions

PetTracker is capable of filtering species in the world map and rivals in the journal using simple text searches. As in most search engines, typing plain text will leave the engine to understand what you are looking for, by performing a smart search. And, most of the times, that is all you will need.

What is Searched

The behavior of searching rivals and pet species is exactly the same. What changes are the proprieties associated with each one. For example, it takes into account the pets you own and chooses the highest leveled pet of the best rarity of a species as the Best Pet of that species.

Here we list what is browsed for each type of search:


  • Name
  • Family (Dragon, Mechanical,... etc)
  • Source (Vendor, Battle,... etc)
  • Ability Names
  • Flavor Text
  • Best Pet Rarity (highest owned rarity)
  • Best Pet Level (highest level of highest owned rarity)


  • Name
  • Zone
  • Pet Names
  • Average Rarity
  • Average Pet Level
  • Quest Status (see bellow)
  • Quest Item/Currency Reward Names

Search Operators

There are situations where you may want to make more specific searches. For example, typing "banana" will find any species with "banana" in their name, but typing "dragon" will find both species that have "dragon" in their name, as well any species in the "dragon" category.

  • ! - Negates a search. For example, !dragon will find all species that are NOT classified as dragons.
  • | - Joins two searches. Typing uncommon|rare will find all rivals with uncommon OR rare teams.
  • & - Intersects two searches. For instance, dragon&epic will find all dragon species of epic rarity.
  • >, <, <=, => - Performs comparisons on numerical searches. For example, typing >15 will find all rivals with average level HIGHER than 15.

Operator Priority

Comparison operators have priority over all others, and cannot be chained (a constant needs to be provided in either side). Negation ! has priority over operators that combine queries - | and &. The last two are performed in order.

Parenthesis are not supported, as the search system is intended for common users not for experts.



Rarity can be seen as a numeric variable. For example Epic > Rare. However, it is still identified as a set of keywords, that you can use to browse for rarity. The exact keywords change from client locale to locale, but for the English client they are:

  1. None/Missing
  2. Poor
  3. Common
  4. Uncommon
  5. Rare
  6. Epic
  7. Legendary

Quest Status

  • Completed
  • Available

PetTracker 🐶

Search Syntax

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