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Simplex Trim Roundtable

Bertrand Coconnier edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Simplex Trim Properties

Name Type Default Notes
trim/solver/pause Bool false Pause at each step of the simplex convergence. Requires the user to press enter.
trim/solver/showConvergeStatus Bool true Show each step of the convergence process.
trim/solver/showSimplex Bool false Show the vertices of the simplex at each step of the solver.
trim/solver/abstol Double 0.01 The absolute error tolerance, how low the cost must be to terminate the minimization.
trim/solver/rtol Double 0.00001 The relative error tolerance. How small the simplex can be before minimization is terminated. The simplex shrinks when it reaches a local minimum.
trim/solver/speed Double 2 How much the simplex stretches in the direction of the minimum vertex direction. Must be greater than 1. Typical is 2.
trim/solver/iterMax Double 2000 Maximum number of iterations the solver will run before terminating.
trim/solver/random Double 0 Adds a random factor to the simplex stretch. Not typically required. Causes convergence to slow down. 1 means that the new vertex can randomly move 100% of the stretch distance after the stretch occurs.
trim/solver/debugLevel Int 0 0 (no messages) -> 2 (all messages)
trim/solver/variablePropPitch Bool false Add a state for the propeller pitch. If the pitch is not variable this is not required.
trim/solver/aileronGuess Double 0 Initial guess for the trim aileron position
trim/solver/aileronStep Double 0.1 Initial step size for aileron
trim/solver/aileronMax Double 1.00 Maximum value for aileron control
trim/solver/aileronMin Double -1.00 Minimum value for aileron control
trim/solver/elevatorGuess Double -0.1 Initial guess for the trim elevator position
trim/solver/elevatorMax Double 1.0
trim/solver/elevatorMin Double -1.0
trim/solver/rudderGuess Double 0 Initial guess for the trim rudder position
trim/solver/rudderStep Double 0.1
trim/solver/rudderMax Double 1.00
trim/solver/rudderMin Double -1.00
trim/solver/throttleGuess Double 0.50 Initial guess for the trim throttle position
trim/solver/throttleStep Double 0.1
trim/solver/throttleMax Double 1.0
trim/solver/throttleMin Double 0.0
trim/solver/alphaGuess Double 0.1 Initial guess for the trim angle of attack (in Radians)
trim/solver/alphaStep Double 0.1
trim/solver/alphaMax Double 1.8
trim/solver/alphaMin Double 0
trim/solver/betaGuess Double 0 Initial guess for the trim side slip angle (in Radians)
trim/solver/betaMax Double 0.15
trim/solver/betaMin Double -0.15
trim/solver/betaStep Double 0.1