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Releases: JDRomano2/venomkb


20 May 18:52
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Mostly under-the-hood improvements, this release adds minification support, updates library dependencies, addresses a number of bugs and errors in the code, and cleans up the repository to make future work much easier.

Everything is mostly working as it should at this point, but a few little annoyances are hanging around (check the developer console in Chrome while using the site to see what I mean). Hence, I still consider this an 'alpha' release. This should change in the near future.

VenomKB v2.0.0

30 Nov 15:03
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VenomKB v2.0.0 Pre-release

All of the core features of v2.0 are up and running! We are currently preparing a manuscript describing VenomKB v2.0 in detail, and will post updates about any publications both here and on the VenomKB website.