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Space X App 🚀


This site shows a list of Space X Dragons.

Pagination of data about each Space X Dragon.

Create and edit an account via Firebase Auth.

Adding and removing favorite Space X Dragons.




-RTK, RTK Query


-Firebase auth, Firebase realtime db


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. npm i - downlaod all dependencies.
  3. Create .env.local file.
  4. Sign up for a Firebase account and add a new Firebase Project.
  5. Write the parameters taken from the firebase configuration to the .env.local file

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  1. npm i start - for development.
  2. npm i build - build project for deploy.


  1. Create new repo.
  2. Use git recommendation to push project to repository.


  1. Check out Netlify via GitHub.
  2. Add new site > import an existing project.
  3. Write to environment variables all data from .env.local files like: key = REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY, value = apiKey

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  1. Deploy site.