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Remote Debugging Setup Instructions

ccwhite333 edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 3 revisions


  • VSCode with remote SSH plugin
  • IntelliJ
  • accessible SSH connection to desired server


  • There is an instance of iSanteplus running with debugging enabled on port 1044 (see here for instructions TBC)


  1. Open VSCode
  2. Connect to desired server through remote SSH plugin
  • download the SSH plugin if not already
  • bring up command pallet (command/ctrl+shift+p)
  • write 'SSH config' and open SSH configuration file
  • add entry for your ssh connection if it doesn't exist
Host alias
  User ubuntu
  HostName <ip-config>
  1. Bring up the command pallet and write 'SSH connect'
  2. Select 'SSH connect to host' and select the alias you just created
  3. When that connection succeeds, open the command pallet again and write 'forward a port' and select 'forward a port'
  4. It should take you to that port's tab where you can click 'forward a port' again and enter '1044'
  5. Note the local address that port gets forwarded to (e.g. localhost:1044 )
  6. Open IntelliJ
  7. Checkout the module that you would like to debug and open that project in Intellij
  8. Go to 'Run' in the menu bar and click 'Edit configurations'
  9. Select 'add new run configuration' and 'remote JVM debug'
  10. Name the configuration and update the host and port to match the forwarded port (e.g. localhost:1044)
  11. In the dropdown for 'use module classpath' select the top level module to use for the classpath
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