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A thesis investigating the use of large language models for summarizing application logs.


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This project aimed to investigate how good modern language models are at summarizing text from application logs. When compared to previous work LogSummary, which used a complex pipeline based on TextRank, language models outperformed LogSummary on their own dataset with only a little fine-tuning. Skim through the accompanying thesis for more details on the datasets, model architecture and results.


  1. clone the repository via
    git clone
  2. optionally use virtualenv to make a virtual environment for python-packages
  3. open code-folder in terminal
  4. make sure system dependencies are installed; the required packages can be found in code/apt_requirements.txt and code/apt_optional_requirements.txt; if you use the apt package manager you can directly install these via
    sudo apt-get update
    xargs -o sudo apt-get install < apt_requirements.txt
    xargs -o sudo apt-get install < apt_optional_requirements.txt
  5. install dependencies via
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    pip3 install -r optional_requirements.txt
  6. if you want to compare with LogSummary, you also need to install it; you can initialize it here as a submodule:
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    pip3 install -r LogSummary/requirements.txt
    The dependencies are not well kept for LogSummary, and requirements.txt misses some of them. Furthermore some code changes are necessary to include missing functions. For more details check LogSummary's project page. Additionally a word2vec model is required, which can be trained for log-data with their other framework Log2Vec. Note: Paths longer than 100 characters cause buffer overflows when training Log2Vec, if the limit is not changed manually. (LogSummary is only used for the purpose of comparison and accessing their dataset; it is not needed otherwise.)

Prepare datasets

  1. install repository
  2. download a suitable dataset e.g. Hadoop dataset from DOI
  3. open code-folder in terminal
  4. run dataset pre-processing via
    python3 -m "preprocess_dataset" <dataset-type> "<original-dataset-path>" "<destination-path>"
    python3 -m "preprocess_dataset" hadoop "../data/Hadoop/raw" "../data/Hadoop/processed"
    This also works for preprocessing LogSummary's dataset:
    python3 -m "preprocess_dataset" logsummary "../LogSummary/data/summary/logs" "../data/LogSummary/processed"

Analyze logs

  1. install repository and prepare datasets
  2. open code-folder in terminal
  3. run log-analysis via
    python3 -m "util.loganalysis"
    python3 -m "util.loganalysis" ../data/Hadoop/processed --category "Disk full" --group-by-columns "File" --partition-minimum-size 200 --output-type common-events
  4. optionally prepare a preset for log-analysis, see the different configurations used in the code/log_analysis_configs-folder; the analysis directly with such a configuration, e.g.
    python3 -m "util.loganalysis" ../data/Hadoop/processed @../data/Hadoop/loganalysis_configs/disk-full.json --output-type common-events

Pre-train models

  1. install repository and prepare datasets
  2. open code-folder in terminal
  3. run pre-training via
    python3 -m "pretrain_model"
    python3 -m "pretrain_model" --model_class "BartForConditionalGeneration" --model_name_or_path "facebook/bart-base" --masking_algorithm_preset "text-infilling" --csv_paths "../data/Hadoop/processed/log-instances"/* --input_field_name "SimplifiedMessage" --output_dir "../models/bart-base.hadoop/trained" --do_train
  4. optionally prepare a preset for pretraining-configuration, see used in the model-folder; the pre-training can then be run directly with such a configuration, e.g.
    python3 -m "pretrain_model" @../models/bart-base.hadoop/ --do_train
  5. under an environment with multiple GPUs you may want to use DDP for training. (DDP referes to PyTorch's DistributedDataParallel); in that case the pre-training should be started with torchrun
    torchrun --nproc_per_node <number_of_gpu_you_have> -m "pretrain_model" [arguments_for_pretrain_model]...
    For example like this:
    torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 -m "pretrain_model" @../models/bart-base.hadoop/ --do_train

Fine-tune models

  1. install repository, prepare datasets and optionally pre-train the model
  2. open code-folder in terminal
  3. run pre-training via
    python3 -m "finetune_model"
    python3 -m "finetune_model" --model_name_or_path "facebook/bart-base" --dataset_path "../data/Hadoop/processed" --loganalysis_arguments="@../data/Hadoop/loganalysis_configs/disk-full.json" --excluded_events_loganalysis_arguments="@../data/Hadoop/loganalysis_configs/normal.json" --input_field_name "SimplifiedMessage" --output_dir "../models/bart-base.hadoop/finetuned" --do_train
  4. optionally prepare a preset for finetuning-configuration, see used in the model-folder; the pre-training can then be run directly with such a configuration, e.g.
    python3 -m "finetune_model" @../models/bart-base.hadoop/ --do_train
  5. under an environment with multiple GPUs you may want to use DDP for training. (DDP referes to PyTorch's DistributedDataParallel); in that case the fine-tuning should be started with torchrun
    torchrun --nproc_per_node <number_of_gpu_you_have> -m "finetune_model" [arguments_for_finetune_model]...
    For example like this:
    torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 -m "finetune_model" @../models/bart-base.hadoop/ --do_train

Monitoring training

Given a suitable platform for monitoring of training is installed that is compatible with 🤗 Transformers, the training-scripts will automatically create logs for those platforms. The default location is at runs in the output_dir, but can be controlled with the --logging_dir option of training-scripts.

For example with tensorboard installed, visualizing previous training-runs could look like this:

tensorboard --logdir models/bart-base.hadoop/trained/runs

Use models

Trained models can comfortably be used for making predictions using pipelines.

To use a pre-trained model for mask-filling (the pipeline is limited to a mask-length of 1):

>>> import transformers
>>> mask_filler = transformers.pipeline("fill-mask", "models/bart-base.hadoop/trained")
>>> sentence = "Scheduled snapshot <mask> at 10 second(s)."
>>> for prediction in mask_filler(sentence):
        print("{:6.2%} {}".format(prediction["score"], prediction["sequence"]))

 9.89% Scheduled snapshot count at 10 second(s).
 5.18% Scheduled snapshot snapshot at 10 second(s).
 4.78% Scheduled snapshot size at 10 second(s).
 2.88% Scheduled snapshot update at 10 second(s).
 2.74% Scheduled snapshot start at 10 second(s).

To use a fine-tuned model for summarization:

>>> import transformers
>>> summarizer = transformers.pipeline("summarization", "models/bart-base.hadoop/finetuned")
>>> summary = summarizer("...")

Run trace visualization-tool

  1. install repository
  2. open code-folder in terminal
  3. run via
    python3 -m "tracesviz"
  4. open any csv-file that contains structured log-data with traces; logs can be directly structured into csv via
    python3 -m "util.logparsing" structure


A thesis investigating the use of large language models for summarizing application logs.








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