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A pino stream to automatically pass errors to Sentry.


# npm
npm install @ips-hosting/pino-sentry-stream

# yarn
yarn add @ips-hosting/pino-sentry-stream


The code is compiled to target Node.js 14.

import { pinoSentryStream } from '@ips-hosting/pino-sentry-stream'
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node'
// ...

 * Available options:
 * sentry (required): The Sentry SDK
 * severityMap (optional): Maps pino levels to sentry severities. See index.ts for an example and the default mapping.
 * callback (optional): (obj: { log: PinoLog; scope: Sentry.Scope; severity: Sentry.Severity }) => void | false
 * 	Called for every pino log message. Use to assign custom properties to the sentry scope. Return false to prevent that message from being sent to sentry.
const stream = pinoSentryStream({ sentry: Sentry });

// With pino
// All messages will directly go to Sentry.
// They won't be passed to stdout so you don't see them in your terminal.
const pinoOpts = { /* ... */ };
const pinoLogger = pino(pinoOpts, stream);

// With pino-multi-stream
// You can send log messages to multiple destination streams.
// In this example, log messages are sent both to stdout and Sentry, while being prettified in development.
const pinomsLogger = pinoms({
	// ...
	streams: [
		// Log everything to stdout in production, prettify in dev environments.
			level: 'debug',
			stream: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
				? process.stdout
				: pinoms.prettyStream(),
		// In addition to logging to stdout, send everything starting from level info to sentry.
			level: 'info',