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ISP website


⚠️ under construction ⚠️

Some pages do not have a proper hugo layout yet, before editing and modify those pages open an issue (if not there) and self-assign yourself.

page hugo layout content
Landing page
People page
Research pages

How to make a change

⚠️ main branch is protected so all changes must be made with pull requests ⚠️

for all changes to the website

  1. git clone (or better fork it in your account and clone it)
  2. create a new branch git switch -c mybranchname where mybranchname is an informative name (e.g. addingvisitorjose)
  3. make your changes (as explained in the following sections)
  4. git add and git commit
  5. git push and create pull request
  6. wait for approval and merging

additioanlly to test locally and use hugo archetypes:

Jump to page specific sections:

Single pages

To add a page with content add a file (.html or .md) in the content folder (better in some subfolder).

You can style your page as you wish with html (you always can use the style definition in statisc/style/style.css).

The top menu will be added automatically so you do not have to take care of that, just write the main content of your page.

Resources (e.g. pdf files or images) can be placed alongside your page and can be accessed with relative paths, in this case is better to create the following folder structure for your page:

|--- subfolder/
|    |___ mynewpage/
|         |___ _index.html or    <-  your new page goes here
|         |___ img/
|              |___ myimage.png  <- place images here you can reference them with img/myimage.png from _index
|         |___ pdf/ 
               |___ mypaper.pdf <- similarly for pdf and other files 

For an example check content/research/ pages.


Each person in the people page is associated with a .md file in the content/people folder (or a subfolder). The information to generate personal links and the name of the image is defined in the front matter of the .md file. The (short) bio is stored in the main file content (the part after the front matter).

There is a hugo archetype to add easily people, for that you need hugo installed (otherwise copy the front matter from another person file).

hugo new content people/

the above command will generate an empty file in content/people/, edit it with the informationa, in particular:

  • in title place the name
  • in role write the role (e.g full professors, associate professors, postdocs, phd students, visitors, alumni lowercase and plural! )
  • check the params and modify accordingly, remove fields that you do not want
  • add the corresponding image in the assets/images/people folder


Each project is a ssociated with a .md file in the content/projects folder (or a subfolder such as active). The information is stored in the fron matter, while the content is used to provide a short description fo the project.

There is na hugo archetype to add projects:

hugo new content porjects/active/

The open the generated file in content/project/active/ and edit the front matter with the relatiove information:

  • pi and uvpi
  • logo
  • years

adding custom projects list

There are a partial template and a shortcode that can be useful to add projects list in templates and content pages directly.

If you want to add a project list in a template, use the partial template projects:

{{ partial "projects.html" $projectsgroup }} 

where $projectgroup is a previously defined group of project pages.

If you want to add a project list in a content page, you need to use the shortcode projects:

{{< projects usmile deepcube xaida >}}

You can check an example of the shortcode in the content/research/machine_learning page.


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