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IMPHP - Database

This library provides a very light weight database abstraction layer, that creates consistency and ease across multiple databases. It's very easy and simple to use, unlike many of the PHP provided database drivers and what it supports on one database, it supports on all the supported databases.

Some database libraries prints warnings, some throws exceptions, deals with last error methods and so on. Some even mixes it by having parts of their library do one thing and other parts do something else.

This library simplifies this by always dealing with database errors using exceptions. There is no exception to that rule. If you wrap your database connectivity in a try/catch, you can be sure that your code will stop at the first error it encounters, without having to deal with warnings, checking error codes after each method call and so on. Every single return value on any method, is a successful return.

Full Documentation

You can view the Full Documentation to lean more.


Using .phar library

require "imphp-database.phar";


Clone via git

git clone imphp/database/

Composer (Packagist)

composer require imphp/database


Each driver can be found in their own namespace such as im/database/mysqli and im/database/sqlite3. Each driver has it's own Connection class based on im/database/Connection that is used to establish connection to the database and utilize it. A query will return an instance of im/database/Result that can be used to access the requested data.

use im\database\mysqli\Connection;

$id = 10;
$conn = new Connection("localhost", "My_DB", "user", "MyPassw");
$result = $conn->enquire("SELECT FROM tbl WHERE id=%i", $id);
$rownum = $result->fetchColumn("row_num", true);

$affected = $conn->execute("DELETE FROM tbl WHERE row_num=%i", $rownum);

if ($affected > 0) {
    echo "Success!";


Prepared Statements

use im\database\sqlite3\Connection;

$conn = new Connection("My_DB.db");
$stmt = $conn->stmt("UPDATE tbl SET role=%s WHERE id=%i");
$users = [
    10 => "admin",
    12 => "user",
    25 => "admin"

foreach ($users as $id => $role) {
    $stmt->execute($role, $id);
