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  • http-code-simulator is a HTTP response code simulator server. One can test various HTTP response codes from the server on the client side using this simulator with an optional server side processing time.

Install the simulator

  1. Clone this repository http-code-simulator
  2. Switch to folder http-code-simulator
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the server: npm start Or node ./src/index.js --startServer
  5. Simulator will be running @ <localhost>:<9090>

Usage (client side)

  1. Send client HTTP requests (any HTTP Method) to <localhost>:<9090>/status/<HTTPCode>
  2. Simulate server side delay with <localhost>:<9090>/status/<HTTPCode>?sleep=<Miliseconds>


  1. Execute test run npm test

HTTP Status codes

"101": { "description":  "" },

"200": { "description":  "OK" },
"201": { "description":  "Created" },
"202": { "description":  "Accepted" },
"203": { "description":  "Non-Authoritative Information" },
"204": { "description":  "" },
"205": { "description":  "Reset Content" },
"206": { "description":  "Partial Content" },
"207": { "description":  "Multi-Status (WebDAV)" },
"208": { "description":  "Already Reported (WebDAV)" },
"226": { "description":  "IM Used" },

"300": { "description":  "Multiple Choices" },
"301": { "description":  "Moved Permanently" },
"302": { "description":  "Found" },
"303": { "description":  "See Other" },
"304": { "description":  "" },
"305": { "description":  "Use Proxy" },
"306": { "description":  "Unused" },
"307": { "description":  "Temporary Redirect" },
"308": { "description":  "Permanent Redirect" },

"400": { "description":  "Bad Request" },
"401": { "description":  "Unauthorized" },
"402": { "description":  "Payment Required" },
"403": { "description":  "Forbidden" },
"404": { "description":  "Not Found" },
"405": { "description":  "Method Not Allowed" },
"406": { "description":  "Not Acceptable" },
"407": { "description":  "Proxy Authentication Required" },
"408": { "description":  "Request Timeout" },
"409": { "description":  "Conflict" },
"410": { "description":  "Gone" },
"411": { "description":  "Length Required" },
"412": { "description":  "Precondition Failed" },
"413": { "description":  "Request Entry Too Large" },
"414": { "description":  "Request-URI Too Long" },
"415": { "description":  "Unsupported Media Type" },
"416": { "description":  "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" },
"417": { "description":  "Expectation Failed" },
"418": { "description":  "I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)" },
"420": { "description":  "Enhance Your Calm (Twitter)" },
"422": { "description":  "Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)" },
"423": { "description":  "Locked (WebDAV)" },
"424": { "description":  "Failed Dependency (WebDAV)" },
"425": { "description":  "Reserved for WebDAV" },
"426": { "description":  "Upgrade required" },
"428": { "description":  "Precondition Required" },
"429": { "description":  "Too Many Requests" },
"431": { "description":  "Request Header Fields Too Large" },
"444": { "description":  "No Response (Nginx)" },
"449": { "description":  "Retry With (Microsoft)" },
"450": { "description":  "Blocked by Windows Parental Controls (Microsoft)" },
"451": { "description":  "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" },
"499": { "description":  "Client Closed Request (Nginx)" },

"500": { "description":  "Internal Server Error" },
"501": { "description":  "Not Implemented" },
"502": { "description":  "ad Gateway" },
"503": { "description":  "Service Unavailable" },
"504": { "description":  "Gateway Timeout" },
"505": { "description":  "HTTP Version Not Supported" },
"506": { "description":  "Variant Also Negotiates (Experimental)" },
"507": { "description":  "Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)" },
"508": { "description":  "Loop Detected (WebDAV)" },
"509": { "description":  "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (Apache)" },
"510": { "description":  "Not Extended" },
"511": { "description":  "Network Authentication Required" },
"520": { "description":  "Web server is returning an unknown error" },
"522": { "description":  "Connection timed out" },
"524": { "description":  "A timeout occurred" },
"598": { "description":  "Network read timeout error" },
"599": { "description":  "Network connect timeout error" }