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Master thesis: The joint effect of goal framing and anchoring on online shopping behavior

This is my thesis for M.Sc. Economic Behaviour and Governance at Kassel University(Germany) - 2019


It has been established in the customer psychology literature that customer behavior effected by a combination of sensory factors. This study takes into account of two terms of cognitive psychology: anchor and goal framing which influence on sensory factors in decision-making process. These are cognitive factors to help consumers to simplify information and generate quicker decisions. But, however, they could lead to many errors and consider as cognitive bias. By evaluating the customer’s interest, intention and willingness to buy targeted products, the study has provided additional evidence to prove the impact of these factors on the customer’s final decision along with previous studies. The experiment used 36 Amazon website layouts: 18 in English, 18 in Vietnamese for 3 different products: orange juice, electronic translator, in-ear headphone. Using the acquired data from 380 respondents, the study hopes to shed some light on researching the influence of joint effect in cognitive psychology. The study found that, in short, the joint effect of anchor and goal framing enhance the impact of each single factors on attitude and intention and willingness to pay of consumer in decision-making. This study also impacts and opens many practical applications to increase the selling ability of shopping online websites.


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The joint effect of goal framing and anchoring on online shopping behavior


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This is my thesis for M.Sc. Economic Behaviour and Governance at Kassel University(Germany)






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