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(ARCHIVED) FusionAuth Angular Example

NOTE": This project is no longer the correct example for Angular integration with FusionAuth. Please refer to the new repository for the correct implementation of the OAuth Authorization Code Grant with FusionAuth.

This project contains an example project that illustrates using FusionAuth with Angular. This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.2.1.


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

Installation and Setup

For this example there will be three localhost servers running:

  • localhost:9011 -- FusionAuth
  • localhost:3000 -- A lightweight node server that handles requests that require an API key
  • localhost:4200 -- The Angular example app
git clone
cd fusionauth-angular-example/angular
npm install
ng serve
cd ../server
npm install
node server.js

Setting up FusionAuth

Log into FusionAuth and create a new API key using the value from the server/config/config.json. Then create a new application using the value from angular/src/environments/environments.ts.

Email templates

Log in to FusionAuth and edit each of the email templates (Email Verification, Setup Password, and Forgot Password) and change localhost:9011 to localhost:4200. In the Setup Password template you can also change /password/change to /password/setup. In this example app that will give you some additional info when you click on the link that you are setting up your password for the first time.

The Example App

There are a few FusionAuth configuration options that will effect the user workflows. They are listed below as well as highlighted in the flow charts.

  • With email turned off both the Forgot Password and Email Verification workflows will not be enabled.
  • If Email Verification is turned off the user's email will automatically be marked as valid and the Sign Up workflow will go straight to the login page.
  • If two factor authentication is enabled for a user then there will be an additional step during login.


The flow charts below reflect an error free workflow with various conditionals. Below each workflow any error messages that can appear are described.

Log In/Out

On the Login page:

  • Error 404: The user was not found or the password was incorrect.

On the Two Factor Authorization page:

  • Error 404: The token has expired and the user will need to login again.
  • Error 421: The authorization code was incorrect.

On the Change Password page:

  • Error 404: The token has expired and the user will need to login again.

Forgot password

On the Forgot Password page:

  • Error 403: The forgot password functionality has been disabled. With email disabled in FusionAuth entering a valid email in the form will cause this error.
  • Error 404: Invalid username or email.
  • Error 422: The user does not have an email address. Log in to FusionAuth and create a user with a username, but no email.

For the Reset Password page:

  • Error 404: The token has expired and the user will need to resend the Forgot Password email.

Sign Up

Note that in the Angular example the only way to get to the Email Verified page is to complete the workflow using a valid token that you receive in email.

On the Sign Up page:

  • Error 400: A user with that username or email already exists

On the Resend Verification Email page:

  • Error 404: The token is invalid and the user will need to resend the verification email.

Change Password

Image coming soon.

On the change password page:

  • Error 401: The access token has expired. If the attempt to refresh the access token fails (because the refresh token has also expired) then the user will be directed to login again.
  • Error 404: Invalid current password.

Token Refresh Example

This example shows how on the backend node server a request, in this case to /api/example can be wrapped by a function (verifyToken) that will first verify the accessToken is valid before calling a callback function to complete the action. If expired the frontend application will then try to refresh the token and if successful retry the initial request. If the refresh_token has expired the user is logged out and directed to login again.

Below are some steps that will allow you to see this in action, but first let's discuss what how and where these tokens are set. There are two HTTP only cookies (access_token and refresh_token) set by fusionauth when you log in and are thus domain locked to localhost:4200. Any communication to the node server will not have access to these so it is necessary to make a call to /api/fusionauth/cookies which will set a third HTTP only cookie accessToken for use in verifying user requests. This cookie will be domain locked to localhost:3000. It is recommended that these not be stored anywhere on the frontend (e.g. localStorage) that other javascript libraries might also have access to it.

To see the token workflow in action:

  • Log in to FusionAuth and reduce the Refresh Token time down to 1 minutes and the Access Token time down to 10 seconds
  • Log in to the Angular example app
  • Click on the Token refresh example
  • You will see a success message without the need to refresh the access tokens
  • Wait longer than 10 seconds and then refresh the page
  • You will see messages describing refreshing the access token and then a success message
  • Wait another 50 seconds giving the refresh token time to expire and then refresh the page
  • You will see messages describing refreshing the access token and then a message that the refresh token has expired

Adding username to the Sign Up page

You will need to add username several places:

  • In server/routes/register-user.js add username the user object:
  user: {
    username: body.user.username
  • In angular/src/app/pages/register/register.component.ts add a new FormControl:
  new FormGroup({
    username: new FormControl('', [ Validators.required ])
  • In angular/src/app/pages/register/register.component.html there is already a form field for username that is commented out. Remove the surrounding <!-- -->.

Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

Autopopulate fields for testing

If you get tired of typing in emails and passwords you can hard code in the FormControl values that you know will work. For example,

this.mainForm = new FormGroup({
  password: new FormControl('password', PasswordComponent.validators),
  loginId: new FormControl('', [ Validators.required ])

Also, during the various scenarios where you are sending emails (e.g. registration) and you are using gmail (e.g. you can create a user with a valid email:

email: new FormControl('valid_email+t' + + '', ...)

Now any email verification or forgot password emails will still arrive since gmail will ignore the + and anything after.