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Max M edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 1 revision

Project: Field Warning

  • Please join our Discord server.
  • Everyone is welcome to join our Reddit community over at /r/projectfieldwarning.
  • Before jumping into the community, we recommend reading through our Design Document.
  • We use Trello to document tasks such as to-dos, work in progress, concepts/proof of concepts, suggestions, bugs, issues, and more. Join here.

To apply to join our community and begin to contribute, fill out the Developer Application Form form. We're not picky and would love for you to join the team.

Goals and Project General Project Direction

General Design Direction The goal of the project is to create a moddable RTS/RTT platform that is also a spiritual successor to the Wargame franchise. It is not meant to be a carbon copy of Wargame: Red Dragon or be Wargame 4, rather take what is successful from the formula and expand on it while rebuilding or removing problematic things that are deeply rooted in the core design of the Wargame franchise. The entire development process and final product are not intended to be monetized in any way as it’s a passion-project initiated by the Wargame community and hence the final product will be entirely free-to-play.

As a baseline, the project (and subsequently the Design Document) takes Wargame: Red Dragon as a foundation on what to build upon/from.