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⚡️ IntersectionObserver, scroll-animation, virtual-list to support big amount


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keyword: intersectionObserver scroll-list Scroll animation,quick scroll resolved

yarn add vue-virtual-list-observer

Downloads Version Quality


  • Only 3 required props, simple and very easy to use.

  • intersectionObserver efficient and resolve Fast scrolling in a white screen.

  • Highly customizable and has a live demo to get started quickly

  • Callback function, which allows the dynamic addition of list items according to the scrolling situation

ezgif com-gif-maker

live demo1


newest demo checked by git clone and yarn && yarn dev

npm install vue-virtual-list-observer 


yarn add vue-virtual-list-observer

Props type

Required props

             Prop              Type Description
visualDomCount Number Number of elements visible in the list.It is worth noting that the number of render Doms is usually greater than the number of visualDoms
resArr Array[] The source array built for list, The effect and logic are the same as the real list
scrollInstance function(){return HTMLDivElement } Need to transfer the nearest scrollable ancestor of the ListDOM component (for custom scroll bar and else)

Option props

Prop Type Description
domHeight Number Approximate height of list item, usually used to handle edge cases
scrollAnima Boolean scrollToTop has a scrolling effect,not directly

Public methods (provide,emit)

Method Description
request Event triggered when the scroll bar scrolls to the bottom and the number of elements in resArr is not enough for the next loading, this event will be triggered. (Typically, that function need you to request api and pushes new data into resarr)

public methods(ref)

Method Description
getScroll Get the scrollTop distance of the list
scrollToTop set scroll position to ListTop.
scrollToIndex set scroll position to resArr[index]


Method Description
list Set the style of the list item element
footer Set the style of loading to request


for the public method(provide,emit) request

if you want to do some async things, in the provide function you need return promise instance,because of async func is uncontrollable for the ListDOM Childcomponent. And you need to use provide api to provide request function to ListDOM component

async why can't use emit

$emit() just triggers the event, after the event is triggered, the logic task of the (child) component ends

So async need to use provide && return promise instance

not async

In the request function you usually request the backend's interface and display it on the screen

If not as mentioned above, no limit


MIT License.