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Jye edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

The VRx Backpack will provide direct communication between any goggles VRx module and an ExLRS Tx module.

The idea is that an esp01f (same that is used on the nano rx design) will connected to the SPI pads of the rx5808 module found on every goggle module. It will sniff the SPI command to change freq. This is then transmitted to the esp01f backpack on the tx module. From here ExLRS will tx the channel change to BF and onto the Vtx.

Here is an example of how this works

RX5808 and the SPI pads are labelled CH1-3.

Existing code for the the VRx backpack can be found here

Code for the ExLRS tx esp01f backpack can be found here

POC works... but it does need testing with multiple modules.


  • Bring all of the code together into the ExLRS repo.

  • Add bind phrase to flashing process. This will bind everything together and remove the need to stuff around with MAC addresses.

  • Look at SPI sniffing at the hardware later?

  • Decide on a cool name.

  • Make a sick PCB design!