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React background video component with simple player API. Supports inline play on iPhone.


npm i react-background-video-player --save


In your terminal go to component folder and run npm t

Component Props

  playsInline: PropTypes.bool,             // play inline on iPhone. avoid triggering native video player
  disableBackgroundCover: PropTypes.bool,  // do not apply cover effect (e.g. disable it for specific screen resolution or aspect ratio)
  style: PropTypes.object,
  className: PropTypes.string,
  containerWidth: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  containerHeight: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  src: PropTypes.oneOfType([
    PropTypes.string, // single source
    PropTypes.array   // multiple sources
  poster: PropTypes.string,
  horizontalAlign: PropTypes.number,
  verticalAlign: PropTypes.number,
  preload: PropTypes.string,
  muted: PropTypes.bool,   // required to be set to true for auto play on mobile in combination with 'autoPlay' option
  loop: PropTypes.bool,
  volume: PropTypes.number,
  autoPlay: PropTypes.bool,
  extraVideoElementProps: PropTypes.object,
  startTime: PropTypes.number,
  tabIndex: PropTypes.number,
  onReady: PropTypes.func, // passes back `duration`
  onPlay: PropTypes.func,
  onPause: PropTypes.func,
  onMute: PropTypes.func,
  onUnmute: PropTypes.func,
  onTimeUpdate: PropTypes.func, // passes back `currentTime`, `progress` and `duration`
  onEnd: PropTypes.func,
  onClick: PropTypes.func,
  onKeyPress: PropTypes.func

Default Props

  playsInline: true,
  disableBackgroundCover: false,
  style: {},
  className: '',
  poster: '',
  horizontalAlign: 0.5,
  verticalAlign: 0.5,
  preload: 'auto',
  muted: true,
  loop: true,
  volume: 1,
  autoPlay: true,
  extraVideoElementProps: {},
  startTime: 0,
  tabIndex: 0,


  • play - play video
  • pause - pause video
  • togglePlay - automatically toggle play state based on current state
  • isPaused - get play state
  • mute - mute video
  • unmute - unmute video
  • toggleMute - automatically toggle mute state based on current state
  • isMuted - get mute state
  • setCurrentTime - seek in time

Also refer to examples