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Puppet module for configuring PostgreSQL installations for optimal performance.


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Puppet module for configuring PostgreSQL installations for optimal performance.

Heavily based on web version of PgTune utility by Alexey Vasiliev aka @le0pard. Note: not all functionality is implemented yet.

Please note that such autoconfiguration is not absolutely optimal in every case and should be considered as "quick start" solution. Most probably at some point of time you will stop use this module and will pick postgresql::server::config_entry definitions from its init.pp with values optimal for you.


Using librarian-puppet (recommended)

Place in your Puppetfile

mod 'Envek-pgtune'

And execute

librarian-puppet install

Just to install

Type on your Puppet master command:

puppet module install Envek-pgtune


To configure by default:

include pgtune

To limit memory for PostgreSQL by a half of installed RAM:

class { "pgtune":
	available_memory_mb => $memorysize_mb / 2,

To specify database purpose and desired connection limit:

class { 'pgtune':
	max_connections => 150,
	db_type         => 'web',

Available DB types

  • web - Web applications
  • oltp - Online transaction processing systems
  • dw - Data warehouses
  • desktop - Desktop applications
  • mixed - Mixed type of applications (this is default)

Found a mistake? Have a question?

Search for an (or open new) issue here: or send a pull request!


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Write tests for them, make sure that rake test passes
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create a new Pull Request