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grunt-email-builder v2.0

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-email-builder

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



Place this in your grunt file.

emailBuilder: {
  test :{
    files : {
      'dest/ouput.html' : 'src/input.html'

To build your files dynamically

files : [{
  expand: true,
  src: ['**/*.html'],
  dest: 'dest/',

To prevent styles from being inlined, use the data-ignore attribute on embedded or external styles. Otherwise, all styles will be inlined. External styles with the data-ignore attribute will be embedded in their own <style> tag within the src document.
WARNING: data-ignore is deprecated in v3.0.

<!-- external styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" data-ignore="ignore"  href="../css/style.css" />

<!-- embedded styles -->
<style data-ignore="ignore">
 /* styles here will not be inlined */


Can use any of the Juice options along with the ones below


Type: Object

Send yourself a test email

  emailTest : {

    // Your Email
    email : '',

    // Your email Subject
    subject : 'Email Subject',

    // Optional
    transport: {
      type: 'SMTP',
      service: 'gmail',
      auth: {
        user: '',
        pass: 'gmailpass'

View nodmailer transport methods if using emailTest.transport option


Type: Object

Send email tests to Litmus

litmus : {

  // Optional, defaults to title of email or yyyy-mm-dd if title and options.subject not set
  subject : 'Custom subject line',

  // Litmus username
  username : 'username',

  // Litmus password
  password : 'password',

  // Url to your Litmus account
  url : '',

  // Email clients to test for. Find them at
  // The <application_code> tags contain the name e.g. Gmail Chrome: <application_code> chromegmailnew </application_code>
  applications : ['gmailnew', 'hotmail', 'outlookcom', 'ol2000', 'ol2002', 'ol2003', 'ol2007', 'ol2010','ol2011', 'ol2013', 'appmail6','iphone4', 'iphone5', 'ipad3']


Type: Boolean Default: false

If set to true, special characters will be encoded to their numerical value. e.g. © --> &#169;


Type: Number Default: 3500

Set the delay between each test

Example Usage

  inline: {
    files: { 'dest/output.html' : 'src/input.html' },
    options: {
      encodeSpecialChars: true
  litmus: {
    files: { 'dest/output.html' : 'src/input.html' },
    options: {
      encodeSpecialChars: true,
      litmus: {
        username: 'username',
        password: 'password',
        url: '',
        applications: ['gmailnew', 'ffgmail', 'chromegmail']

grunt.registerTask('inline', 'emailBuilder:inline');
grunt.registerTask('litmus', 'emailBuilder:litmus');

Windows Installation Guide

  • Make sure the latest Python 2.7.* is installed.
  • Right click on Computer/My Computer and go to Properties, go to Advanced System Settings, then Environment Variables.
  • Set the environment variable for "PYTHON" to where you installed Python27, eg C:\Python27\python.exe is the default.
  • If Visual Studio is not installed, install Visual Studio 2010. If you are using a later version of Visual Studio, eg 2012 or 2013, set the environment variable "GYP_MSVS_VERSION" to the corresponding version of Visual Studio.


If you're having issues with Litmus taking forever to load a test or the title of the test is showing up as "No Subject", it is most likely an issue with the Litmus API. You can check the Litmus status page to find out if their having any issues. If that's not the case, submit an issue and we'll look into further.