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PyCon Sweden 2017

Telling stories with data


This repository is linked to my talk at PyCon Sweden.

This is a project to use the Altair library for a fast data exploration and visualisationi Python and a shareable web visualisation output.


  • The code related to the beginning of my talk is located in the try_altair notebook.

  • The html file used for the github page is index.html which is a copy of test_chart3.html (generated from the notebook).

Note: A more interactive version is chart3_interactive which is also linked on the github page via a button at the bottom of the page (but isn't generate from the notebook).

  • The slides for my talk can be found in slides-ele-pyconse17.odp or slides-ele-pyconse17.pdf.


The example project at the end of my talk can be found in another repository.