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Matthew Perry edited this page Dec 17, 2011 · 1 revision

The initial system configuration for MarineMap/Lingcod

Configuring Postgres with PostGIS

Step 1: Set the password for the postgres system user

sudo passwd postgres

Step 2: Create your own unique user for postgres & postGIS

sudo adduser NEWUSERNAME

Step 3: Add the user to the proper groups

sudo nano /etc/group

Add NEWUSERNAME to the adm & admin groups

Then add the NEWUSERNAME to the sudoers file

sudo nano /etc/sudoers

Add the following line below the last user: NEWUSERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

Step 4: Enter the postgres system user & edit the pg_hba.fonf file

su postgres

nano /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf 

Comment out the following line: (local all all ident sameuser)

And add the following lines at the end to allow password authentication & local connections:

host    all     all       md5
local   all     all             trust

Step 5: Edit the postgresql.conf file

nano /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/postgresql.conf

Add the following items to the connection settings line "listen address" and uncomment the line: localhost, PUBLIC DNS NAME, PRIVATE DNS NAME & ELASTIC IP

Example: listen_addresses = 'localhost,,,10-223-182-168'

Step 6: Set the password for the postgres database user

Enter postgresql psql

Set the password \password postgres

Step 7: Create the NEWUSERNAME database user

While in the psql command line interface logged in as postgres: CREATE USER gisdev SUPERUSER;

Set the password for the gisdev user \password gisdev

Step 8: Exit postgres, the postgres user, and restart postgresql

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart