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Single Node Vagrant Deployment

Stu Arnett edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 3 revisions

ECS SW 3.x Single Node Vagrant Deployment

Table of Contents


EMC's ECS 2.x Software Docker single node deployment is intended to be used by developers and has a range of deployment options for them. The most universal methods for deploying ECS software is through Docker applied across whichever means at your disposal (IaaS/PaaS/Hypervisor). In addition to this, you can leverage Vagrant for local VirtualBox instances.


Remote machine:

  • Operating system: CentOS 7
  • CPU/Cores: 4 Cores
  • Memory: Minimum of 50 GB RAM (64 GB recommended)
  • Disks: An unpartitioned/Raw disk with at least 100 GB.
  • rsync package

Local machine:

CentOS Installation

CentOS is a well known Linux distribution that has the ability to deploy containers with Docker. Common public cloud platforms have CentOS templates ready to be used, so getting ECS 2.x Software on a Docker container up is extremely easy!

These are the installation steps to perform a CentOS installation:

Pre-installation steps

  1. Attach Disk to Host: ECS requires a disk to be attached to the host. This disk will hold the data (objects). For testing purposes you can attach a disk above 128 GB.

  2. Open Ports in Host: ECS requires the following ports open:

    Port Number Port Description
    22 SSH, needed if using remote access
    443 Port used for accessing the ECS Web Application
    4443 Port used for accessing the ECS API. This port can be closed from external access after the installation
    9011 Port used for accessing the ECS API. This port can be closed from external access after the installation
    9020 Port used for the S3 API
    9024 Port used for SWIFT API

    Note: There are more ports required to be open if you have a firewall running on the host. Please refer to List of Ports to be Open of the troubleshooting page.

    In addition, please refer to the ECS Security Configuration Guide and our the troubleshooting page if you find any issues.

Remote host configuration

Login to the remote machine and perform a Yum update sudo yum update and download the required packages sudo yum install rsync

Edit the sudoers file to avoid the system from asking for the password when running sudo.

sudo vi /etc/sudoers

Look for the line that contains Defaults requiretty and comment it.

#Defaults requiretty

Now run

sudo visudo

And add the following lines at the end of the file.

username     ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
username     ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Replace username by the user that is actually logging in via SSH.

Using Vagrant

We are going to use Vagrant to prepare a remote machine with SSH access. You will just need to configure the SSH credentials and Vagrant will take care of installing the ECS in the single node mode.

First, you will need to configure the connection details for Vagrant to be able to connect to the remote machine.

Open the vagrant file and edit the following lines:

ml_config.vm.provider :managed do |managed, override|
  managed.server = ""
  override.ssh.username = "your_username"
  override.ssh.password = "your_password"
  override.ssh.port = 22
  #override.ssh.private_key_path = "/path/to/bobs_private_key"

If you want to use an SSH key just comment line about the password.

Now, let's link it to the remote host by running the following command.

vagrant up

To check that we can connect to it, we can run

vagrant ssh

If everything goes right, you will access the remote host. You can now exit from there and run

vagrant provision

It will prepare the remote host and install ECS in single node mode. You will be able to see the output while Vagrant is configuring the host. When it finishes, the system is ready to start serving objects. In addition, access to the ECS's admin panel is available via the HTTPS. Using our previous example for ECS deployed on Access should be enabled for https://IP_OR_HOST. Default login and password: root / ChangeMe


If you have any issues with the installation you can review this page for troubleshooting tips and/or go to the support section bellow.


Please file bugs and issues at the GitHub issues page. For more general discussions you can contact the EMC Code team at Google Groups or tagged with EMC on Stack Overflow. The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.