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Alexei edited this page Mar 30, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Privacy Badger wiki!


Visit the FAQ on Privacy Badger's homepage instead.


Why isn't my Badger learning to block anything?

Privacy Badger does not learn in Private Browsing / Incognito modes.

Does Privacy Badger still work when blocking third-party cookies in the browser?

When you tell your browser to deny third-party cookies, Privacy Badger still gets to learn from third parties trying to set cookies via HTTP headers (as well as from other tracking techniques such as canvas fingerprinting). Privacy Badger no longer gets to learn from cookies or HTML5 local storage being set via JavaScript, however.

So, Privacy Badger still works, it'll just learn to block fewer trackers.

Clearing history or already-set cookies shouldn't have any effect on Privacy Badger.

Is Privacy Badger compatible with other privacy extensions and/or ad blockers?

Privacy Badger should work well in combination with other blockers. The major difference between using Badger on its own and using Badger with other blockers is that your Badger will learn to block fewer domains when used with other blockers. This is fine: Privacy Badger will be there to catch whatever the list-based blockers let through.

Why does my browser connect to on startup after installing Privacy Badger?

Fastly is EFF's CDN. Privacy Badger pings the EFF for the following resources, to ensure that the information in them is fresh even if there hasn't been a new Privacy Badger release in a while:

The EFF does not set cookies or retain IP addresses for these queries.

Why am I getting a "This extension failed to redirect a network request to ..." warning in Chrome?

When two extensions try to modify the same request in different ways in Chrome, only the more recently installed extension will succeed. There shouldn't be any actual problem here, just a common cosmetic issue in Chrome that should go away after the first time you see it.