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FactionFriend Reborn

Founded by a Druidic Ambassador, the Dreamwalker Collective knows the tremendous value of keeping track of where one stands with the numerous factions of Azeroth and beyond. Even from our earliest days, we were not long without FactionFriend, the faction managing gadget created by the wonderful little goblin, Gazmik Fizzwidget.

As he so aptly put it:

It's amazing the lengths some will go to to win friends. Gaining the trust of furbolg tribes, mushroom men, frost giants, and other organizations of demi-goblinoid races can be a lot of work, and it can be easy sometimes to lose track of one's progress. That's where Fizzwidget Industries comes in! Our newest gadget not only helps you keep tabs on whose respect you're earning, but also how much more you could earn by turning in certain items you're carrying.

Is it any wonder why we couldn't just let it be relegated to a corner of his workshop, while he is off to someplace unknown, possibly never to return?

We've picked up the mantle in his stead, keeping one of our most favorite gadgets in working order, and we hope that if -- when -- he returns, he'll appreciate the care we've taken of it in his absence.

What About The Classic-Retail Split?

We've started our journey anew in Old Azeroth, and that is where our focus is going to be.

Unfortunately, due to changes in how Retail now works, we have been unable to get FactionFriend as it was originally built back into working order. Earthmother knows diplomacy hasn't gotten any easier in recents times, though, and so we are taking what Fizzwidget's work has taught us and are starting on a new gadget built from the ground up specifically for the Battle for Azeroth. Since we don't spend much time in Kul'Tiras or Zandalar, though, we don't know when we'll have it up and running.