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Jörg Weber edited this page May 22, 2014 · 3 revisions
  1. [?] What do you want to call your app? (test-generator-node-webkit) The default application name is the name of the current folder. Here test-generator-node-webkit
  2. [?] A little description for your app? Describe your app. Its used on many relevant places like in the resulting application packages.
  3. [?] Would you mind telling me your username on GitHub? (someuser) Your github user name to fetch information about the application author. Its used on many relevant places like in the resulting application packages.
  4. [?] Do you want to download latest node-webkit? (Y/n) Whether you provide node-webkit unpacked in resources/node-webkit/[MacOS|Linux64|Windows] or yeoman is downloading and unpacking for you.
  5. [?] Do you want to install one of the node-webkit examples? (y/N) Yeoman will install one of the examples to make the first steps with node-webkit easier.