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Add a custom language file

Matias Lescano edited this page May 4, 2015 · 2 revisions

Adding new languages to DemocracyOS is very easy.

First, double-check the language you want to add isn't already available. You can see current language files under the lib/translations/lib directory.

If you want to add a new language file, please follow the following steps:

  1. Create a your_language_locale_code.json file inside lib/translations/lib directory. Use one of the existing files in that directory as an example (we recommend you use en.json since it usually is the most complete/tested language file).
  2. Add your language into lib/l10n/supported.js (just follow the same pattern as for any other language).
  3. Update locale variable in your config file and/or environment variable.

Kudos to @tarasdudar for this guide.