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AvanGuard OIDC identity service

What is this?

Avanguard is a microservice performing OIDC-like registration/sign-in with a web3 wallet.

The repository contains Avanguard microservice and 2 example projects:

  • avanguard: provides REST API allowing web3 message signing, validation and OIDC id token retrieval
  • web: example frontend application connecting the wallet, performing message signing and communicating with Avanguard and backend apis
  • backend: example backend application, validates the token with HMAC algorithm

How does it work?

Sequence Diagram

How do I use it?


To obtain JWT token from Avanguard, you'll have to:

  1. Get challenge message from /auth/start endpoint
interface WalletChallengeRequest {
  address: string;

interface WalletChallenge {
  challenge: string;

const getWalletChallenge = (data: WalletChallengeRequest) =><WalletChallenge>(`auth/start`, data);
  1. Display web3 wallet message sign dialogue for user to sign the challenge
import { useSignTypedData } from 'wagmi';

const { signTypedDataAsync } = useSignTypedData();
const message = JSON.parse(data.challenge);
const types = message.types;
const domain = message.domain;
const value = message.message;
const signature = await signTypedDataAsync({ types, domain, value });
  1. POST signature to /auth endpoint
interface SignMessageRequest {
  address: string;
  signature: string;
  nonce: string;

interface LoginResponse {
  token: string;

const login = (data: SignMessageRequest) =><LoginResponse>(`auth`, data);

Response contains JWT token you can use for communication with your backend service. It can be validated with HMAC algorithm by using the shared client secret.


Avanguard can be configured with command-line arguments or environment variables.

Usage: avanguard [OPTIONS]

      --issuer-url <ISSUER_URL>
          URL to be used as issuer in JWT token [env: AG_ISSUER_URL=] [default: http://localhost:8080]
      --client-id <CLIENT_ID>
          OIDC client id, shared with client application [env: AG_CLIENT_ID=] [default: client_id]
      --client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET>
          OIDC client secret, shared with client application to perform HMAC JWT validation [env: AG_CLIENT_SECRET=] [default: client_secret]
      --client-origin-url <CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL>
          Url from which client requests will come, used to set CORS header [env: AG_CLIENT_ORIGIN_URL=] [default: http://localhost:8000]
      --listen-port <LISTEN_PORT>
          REST API listen port [env: AG_LISTEN_PORT=] [default: 8080]
      --db-host <DB_HOST>
          Database host [env: AG_DB_HOST=] [default: localhost]
      --db-port <DB_PORT>
          Database port [env: AG_DB_PORT=] [default: 5432]
      --db-name <DB_NAME>
          Database name [env: AG_DB_NAME=] [default: avanguard]
      --db-user <DB_USER>
          Database user [env: AG_DB_USER=] [default: avanguard]
      --db-password <DB_PASSWORD>
          Database password [env: AG_DB_PASSWORD=avanguard] [default: ]
      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level [env: AG_LOG_LEVEL=] [default: INFO]
  -h, --help
          Print help

Development setup

To run all services locally:

docker-compose up

To run frontend dev server separately:

cd web

# install pnpm if not installed yet
npm install -g pnpm

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# run dev server
pnpm run dev