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A minimal custom-user handling app for django-powered sites


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"CustomUser" app for django projects


A minimal Customized User app for django that has Email Verification functionalities by both sending links and OTP Tokens. Key functionalities are:

  • user-registration
  • activating user account upon clicking a link sent to a user's email address
  • login & logout
  • viewing and updating profile
  • changing email address of a user upon a successful OTP verification
  • password-change and password-reset with email
  • OTP verification
  • deleting a user after a successful OTP verification and password-check.
  • using uuid into URLs to identify a user instead of using an insecure pk
  • using email as the username field


  • pip install django (>=4.0.2)
  • pip install django-email-verification (>=0.1.0)
  • pip install django-otp (>=1.1.3)


  • After cloning this repo, just copy-paste or add the "CustomUser" app (CustomUser directory) inside your django project.
  • Then proceed to the configurations described below


(i) In your project's, include the followings:

- Pointing to the Custom User Model:
	AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'CustomUser.user'

- In the INSTALLED_APPS list, add the followings:	

- In the MIDDLEWARE list:	
	add 'django_otp.middleware.OTPMiddleware' just after the 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware'. The sequence is necessary as the author of "django_otp" framework mentioned.

- Specify the default LOGIN_URL:	
	from django.urls import reverse_lazy
	LOGIN_URL = reverse_lazy('CustomUser:login')

- Specify the attributes for "django_email_verification" framework to use:

	def verified_callback(user):
	    user.is_active = True
	    user.emaildevice_set.create(user=user, name='Email')

	EMAIL_VERIFIED_CALLBACK = verified_callback
	EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS = 'webmaster@localhost'
	EMAIL_PAGE_DOMAIN = 'http://localhost:8000/' #''
	EMAIL_MAIL_SUBJECT = 'Confirm your email'
	EMAIL_MAIL_HTML = 'CustomUser/dj_e_v_mail_body.html'
	EMAIL_MAIL_PLAIN = 'CustomUser/dj_e_v_mail_body.txt'
	EMAIL_PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'CustomUser/dj_e_v_confirm_template.html'
- You can optionally specify django's own email attributes as per your needs.

- You also can optionally specify "django_otp" attributes (according to the documentation) if you decide not going with the defaults.

(ii) In (root), include the followings:

from django.urls import path, include
from django_email_verification import urls as django_email_verification_urls

urlpatterns = [
    path('user/', include('CustomUser.urls')),
    path('email/', include(django_email_verification_urls)), # "django_email_verification" uses this path

(iii) Lastly, all we have left to do is migration. Go to your projects root directory and type the followings into your terminal:

python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate

(iv) A trick: If you want to show the email address where an OTP Token is sent (in the webpage) each time the user clicks "send token"; you can do that just by replacing line 72 of "" file:

message = f"sent to { or}"

Using the App:

After we've configured the app successfully, we can start the development server from our project's root directory:

python3 runserver

and start playing around. Also, if you're not using the "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend" for your email backend, you can start a debugging server in another terminal to catch all the emails that are being sent from your localhost:

python3 -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025

Further Works:

Now, everything should work perfectly. We can Edit and Customize the app as suits best for our projects!


If you find any issues, please feel free to open one.

Pull Requests:

PRs are welcome; especially, if new functionalities are added.