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Dawoodoz edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 9 revisions

The "stable" branch can be a bit outdated, but is only pushed to after performing both manual and automated testing on many different processors and operating systems with different combinations of compiler flags. Use the stable branch if you are developing for ARM processors, using MS-Windows, or just want the most well tested version despite not having the latest features.

The "master" branch is the lastest published version that is tested mostly on Linux and sometimes on MS-Windows. Frequent bugfixes and new features, but sometimes it won't compile on an obscure platform that most people don't use. The master branch has been configured to only allow pull requests with linear history (rebased on master, not merged with master).

Do not use the "experimental" branch, because it may have untested code pushed from an Android tablet during code inspection, and is often force pushed to erase failed prototypes. Only used to synchronize code between test computers and have a cloud backup.

See the "dfpsr/Doc" documentation folder in the repository for information about using the library.

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