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Usage for BaseURL

Torbjörn Einarsson edited this page Aug 13, 2018 · 3 revisions


Add /baseurl_u()_d()/ or /baseurl_d()_u()/ to the URL to request MPD files. Replace "()" with an integer. "u" stands for up and "d" for down. In every minute, the server would be up (available) or down (resource unavailable: the response will be an instant 404) according to the pattern.



The resulting MPD file generated by the live simulator will have two BaseURL entries: http://<server>/livesim/periods_10/baseurl_u10_d20/testpic_2s/ and http://<server>/livesim/periods_10/baseurl_d10_u20/testpic_2s/

The behavior is as following:

  • With the beginning of each minute, the first BaseURL with pattern baseurl_u10_d20 would serve the segments as expected for the first 10 seconds. For the following 20 seconds, it would return a 404 response code. The pattern will be repeated till the end of the respective minute.

  • The behavior of the second BaseURL with pattern baseurl_d10_u20 is the mirror of the preceding BaseURL; it will be serving the segments when the preceding BaseURL is generating 404s and vice-versa.

Example Test URL: