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Visible Build Notes: Currently tested on M1.

  1. Visible has the following dependencies: Boost (Homebrew) OpenCv (Homebrew) sodlog (Homebrew) OpenImageIO (Homebrew) ffmpeg (Homebrew) gsl (Homebrew) fmt (Homebrew) Cinder (git submodule github/com/gmnamra/Cinder.git branch v0.9.3_imgui_87) ImGui (embedded in Cinder above )

  2. To build: at the moment this is a manual step brew install dependencies git clone --recursive Visible repo build Cinder build Visible

Next Steps for build: 1. Build script 2. cmake

Visible implements "Method and apparatus for acquisition, compression, and characterization of spatiotemporal signals"

Covered by U.S. Patents 9,001,884 and 7,672,369 and Patents in EU and Japan.