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Nodelo-template is a template that allows everyone to quickly release nodejs modules.

Uses semantic-release to automate your NPM releases with the help of github actions as your CI & CD platform.

Note: yarn is the default package manager, you can easily change to NPM by removing yarn-lock.json, then building the package-lock.json file with npm install. Next change the mentions of yarn with npm in both the Action workflow & package scripts.

Getting started with Nodelo-release

  • Click on the "Use this template" button at the top of the repo. To use Nodelo-release, follow these steps:

  • Create your NPM Token - Learn about NPM Tokens. GitHub secrets screenshot Then, create a new secret named NPM_TOKEN - About secrets

  • Move .github-disabled to ./github/ - About actions

Optional These are just suggestions

  • Install semantic-pull-request (A GitHub App) to make sure all PR's follow semantic-versioning.
  • Install commitizen (A CLI plugin) to help format your commit messages.
  • Only allow 'squash merging' from settings. image
  • Use @scottydocs README-template, it's a good starting point for making simple informative README's.

Contributing to Nodelo-release

This is a template to get you started, nothing here should constrain you from doing what you want to do! If you find something that you think other people might find useful

Create a pull request if you feel others will benefit from it.


Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:


This project uses: MIT.


Automates your releases with semantic-release + the benefits of Nodelos simple template.




