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An nbt serialization/deserialization JVM library

A better nbt data processing tools on JVM, support all Nbt Tag format specification. And also provide extension support any future Tag format (see extension)

add dependencies


First add JitPack Repository

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Then add mnbt dependencies

dependencies {
    // api dependency
    implementation 'com.github.Cmyna.mnbt:api:alpha-1.0'
    // annotation dependency
    implementation 'com.github.Cmyna.mnbt:annotation:alpha-1.0'

Example: use Mnbt to convert single primitive value/primitive array

convert a String to StringTag(kotlin):

import net.myna.mnbt.Mnbt;

val mnbt = Mnbt()
val str = "a string"
val tag = mnbt.toTag("tagName", str) // convert to a Tag object
val binaryNbtData = mnbt.toBytes("tagName", str) // convert to binary data

Example: Use Mnbt to convert any Java/Kotlin class object to Nbt format


import net.myna.mnbt.Mnbt;
import net.myna.mnbt.reflect.MTypeToken;

class SamplePojo {
    private int member1;
    private String member2;
    public SamplePojo(int m1, String m2) [
        this.member1 = m1;
        this.member2 = m2;

Mnbt mnbt = new Mnbt();
String tagName = "sample pojo";
SamplePojo pojo = new SamplePojo(5, "some string value");
// create binary nbt data
byte[] bytes = mnbt.toBytes(tagName, pojo, new MTypeToken<SamplePojo>() {});
// deserialize binary nbt data
SamplePojo pojo = mnbt.fromBytes<SamplePojo>(bytes, 0, new MTypeToken<SamplePojo>() {});


import net.myna.mnbt.Mnbt
import net.myna.mnbt.reflect.MTypeToken

data class SampleDataClass(val i:Int, val str:String)

val mnbt = Mnbt()
val tagName = "sample kotlin data class"
val dataClassInst = SampleDataClass(0, "some string")
// create binary nbt data
val bytes = mnbt.toBytes(tagName, dataClassInst, object:MTypeToken<SampleDataClas>() {})
// deserialize binary nbt data
val dataClassInst2 = mnbt.fromBytes(bytes, 0, object:MTypeToken<SampleDataClas>() {})

Extends More type of Nbt Tags format

to extends a new Tag type (for example: a DateTag with tag id -1), just implement Tag abstract class like below:

class DateTag(override val name:String?, override val value:Date):Tag<Date>() {
    override val id = -1
    override fun valueToString():String {
        return value.toString()

Also, to handle this new Tag type, should also implement Codec and TagConverter class

Example: use Annotation

Mnbt support using annotation to remap the classes/fields to a specific Nbt structure, take map Level.dat nbt data as example:

@LocateAt("./Data/Version") // map to a relate Nbt tag structure
data class LevelVersion(
    val id:Int, // remap to tag with name "Id"
    val name:String, // remap to tag with name "Name"
    val Snapshot: Byte, // no mapping, the tag name is "Snapshot"

we know the Level.dat nbt structure is: an unnamed root tag contains a sub-Compound tag called "Data", where there is a Compound Tag called "Version". So the class with LocateAt annotation shows this structure. Then we can easily get correct LevelVersion object with correct data when there is already an Tag object represent Level.dat nbt structure:

val levelTag:CompoundTag = getLevelTag()
val levelVersion = Mnbt().fromTag(levelTag, object:MTypeToken<LevelVersion>() {})

There are other Annotations such as Ignore/IgnoreWhenEncode/IgnoreWhenDecode, which can declare a field will be ignored in converting to a Tag or de-converting from a Tag