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Releases: Clooos/Bubble-Card

Bubble Card v2.0.0-rc.1

02 Jun 12:21
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Bubble Card 2 - First release candidate

If you missed it, you can take a look at the 2.0.0-beta.1 (huge) full changelog here.

Version 2.0.0-rc.1

Hi everyone!

After reviewing all your feedback on the previous beta, I can now confidently say that Bubble Card 2 is no longer a beta. It required a lot of work, and I’m extremely proud and relieved to finally be able to release the first release candidate!

I also have something to say to the Kiosk Mode (from NemesisRE) users. To ensure full compatibility, here are the steps to follow (I will add this to the v2 documentation):

  • First for your kiosk mode config, remove hide_sidebard: true or kiosk: true and just keep that under kiosk_mode:

      hide_header: true
  • Then go to your HA profile configuration then toggle this:


  • This will now works as expected.

💡 New feature

  • I've added the possibility to disable the « close by clicking outside » pop-up feature in the editor. You can change this behavior in YAML by adding close_by_clicking_outside: false.

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Custom style templates are now updated correctly when added inside a pop-up.
  • Fixed an issue where a pop-up was turning black when a dropdown was opened inside it. #521
  • Added the missing default sensor icons. #543
  • Fixed an issue where some cards were not displaying (outside of the editor) when added inside a pop-up. #491
  • Changed the slide to close threshold from 300px to 400px because it was too sensitive.

As always, I can't wait for your feedback!

Enjoy! 🍻

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.12

28 May 15:31
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Bubble Card 2 - The... One?

If you missed it, you can take a look at the 2.0.0-beta.1 (huge) full changelog here.

Version 2.0.0-beta.12

Hi everyone!

The previous beta was a good one but it was still not perfect. I also found and fixed some new issues, but also a memory leak in the pop-ups, everything is more stable and even smoother now!

This release should be a really good candidate!

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed a memory leak in the pop-ups
  • Custom styles are now correctly applied to a pop-up without a header
  • The sliders now update the input only when they are released
  • Fixed numerous styling issues with the pop-up header
  • Fixed an issue when a dropdown was opened inside a pop-up #539
  • Changed the label in the editor for the entities supported by the slider buttons
  • I might have also fixed some issues with pop-up centering

I can't wait for your priceless feedback!

Enjoy! 🍻

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.11

26 May 12:01
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Bubble Card 2 - The Closest One? 🤞

If you missed it, you can take a look at the 2.0.0-beta.1 (huge) full changelog here.

Version 2.0.0-beta.11

Hi! Here's another new beta. I've said this a lot, but this one should be really close to the stable version!

There are still some known compatibility issues with some cards and with the Fully Kiosk Browser, but aside from that, everything should now work as expected!

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the state button background color, which was different from other buttons when a custom style was defined
  • The button actions are now working for state buttons
  • The sub-buttons are now displaying the correct icon in all cases

These features were added in beta 9, but I forgot to mention them:

  • You can now scroll inside a button if the content overflows
  • I’ve moved all settings related to the pop-up header button to the "Header settings" section in the editor

As always, I can't wait for your feedback!

Enjoy! 🍻

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.9

25 May 10:48
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Bubble Card 2 - The True And Last One? 🤞

If you missed it, you can take a look at the 2.0.0-beta.1 (huge) full changelog here.

Version 2.0.0-beta.9

Hi everyone!

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy for me, but I’m excited to finally present the latest (and possibly final?) beta for Bubble Card 2!

I really took my time to test it further and I’m hopeful that this version will meet all expectations! 🙏

I can't wait for your feedback as always and here is another extensive changelog:

💡 New features

  • Added the card variable for the custom styles, it returns the card element in the DOM. For example you can now change the color of a sub-button when a pop-up is open, like this:

    ${window.addEventListener('location-changed', () => { 
    card.querySelector('.bubble-sub-button-1').style.backgroundColor = this.location.href.includes('#kitchen') ? 'blue' : '';

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed an issue where the editor doesn’t work when a sub-button has an action to call a service #514
  • Fixed some CSS issues for the separator card
  • Fixed the behavior of the sliders in some cases #208
  • Added haptic feedback on everything, they are also smoother!
  • Button tap action added to the pop-up header in the editor
  • Pop-up header z-index increased for better layering
  • Double-tap action delay reduced from 300ms to 200ms for quicker tap-action
  • Regression fixed: Buttons set to Name/Text now correctly use Button Actions #517
  • Default cursor implemented for tap action when none is specified
  • Default tap actions corrected in the editor
  • No delay implemented if double tap is set to none (finally!)
  • Media player buttons are now hidden when the media player is off
  • Fixed an issue where hiding previous and power button of the media player card was not working #523.
  • Pop-up header button switch background color now changes based on the entity state
  • Columns and rows labels replaced with fractions for clarity (e.g., 1/4)
  • Fixed an issue where states were not updating anymore #511
  • If a sub-button is added without defining an icon, the icon of the sub-button entity will be used
  • Scrolling text effect issues resolved
  • Switch button color corrected when the entity is a light with a bright color
  • Sub-buttons CSS no longer forced to allow custom styles
  • Fixed an issue where horizontal button stack doesn’t scroll on some browsers #505 (from @brunosabot)
  • Fixed an issue when a Frigate card is added inside a pop-up #513 (from @brunosabot)

I also want to say thank you to all the testers who assisted me in hunting down the remaining issues!

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.10

25 May 15:55
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Bubble Card 2 - The Real True One? 🤞

If you missed it, you can take a look at the 2.0.0-beta.1 (huge) full changelog here.

Version 2.0.0-beta.10

I've just fixed the scrollbar issue for Windows users that was introduced in the v2.0.0-beta.9, I really hope that it was the last issue! 🤞


Version 2.0.0-beta.9

Hi everyone!

The past two weeks have been incredibly busy for me, but I’m excited to finally present the latest (and possibly final?) beta for Bubble Card 2!

I really took my time to test it further and I’m hopeful that this version will meet all expectations! 🙏

I can't wait for your feedback as always and here is another extensive changelog:

💡 New features

  • Added the card variable for the custom styles, it returns the card element in the DOM. For example you can now change the color of a sub-button when a pop-up is open, like this:

    ${window.addEventListener('location-changed', () => { 
    card.querySelector('.bubble-sub-button-1').style.backgroundColor = this.location.href.includes('#kitchen') ? 'blue' : '';

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed an issue where the editor doesn’t work when a sub-button has an action to call a service #514
  • Fixed some CSS issues for the separator card
  • Fixed the behavior of the sliders in some cases #208
  • Added haptic feedback on everything, they are also smoother!
  • Button tap action added to the pop-up header in the editor
  • Pop-up header z-index increased for better layering
  • Double-tap action delay reduced from 300ms to 200ms for quicker tap-action
  • Regression fixed: Buttons set to Name/Text now correctly use Button Actions #517
  • Default cursor implemented for tap action when none is specified
  • Default tap actions corrected in the editor
  • No delay implemented if double tap is set to none (finally!)
  • Media player buttons are now hidden when the media player is off
  • Fixed an issue where hiding previous and power button of the media player card was not working #523.
  • Pop-up header button switch background color now changes based on the entity state
  • Columns and rows labels replaced with fractions for clarity (e.g., 1/4)
  • Fixed an issue where states were not updating anymore #511
  • If a sub-button is added without defining an icon, the icon of the sub-button entity will be used
  • Scrolling text effect issues resolved
  • Switch button color corrected when the entity is a light with a bright color
  • Sub-buttons CSS no longer forced to allow custom styles
  • Fixed an issue where horizontal button stack doesn’t scroll on some browsers #505 (from @brunosabot)
  • Fixed an issue when a Frigate card is added inside a pop-up #513 (from @brunosabot)

I also want to say thank you to all the testers who assisted me in hunting down the remaining issues!

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.8

12 May 11:26
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Bubble Card 2 - The True One?

If you missed it, you can take a look at the 2.0.0-beta.1 (huge) full changelog here.

Version 2.0.0-beta.8

Hi again!

This release should fix all the new issues introduced in the beta.7, and also the last older one.

Is this the true one this time? 🍻

💡 New features

  • Added the missing pop-up header layouts

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the « last changed » showed by default
  • Fixed the default icon template not working after beta.7
  • Fixed a pop-up issue with the position of dropdowns (like with the xiaomi-vacuum-map-card, probably Mushroom too)
  • You don’t need to refresh a section view anymore when leaving the editor on a view with pop-ups
  • Fixed the DOM changing for sub-button icons, that was slowing down everything!
  • Fixed a sub-button CSS issue on the separator when there is no sub-buttons
  • Fixed the cover card icons color when the large layout is selected
  • Fixed the separator "2 rows" layout
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the position of the horizontal buttons stack and the fully kiosk extension (not sure if it works, but @brunosabot opened a PR on the Fully kiosk GitHub page in the same time).

Well, again... and again... and agaiiiin fingers crossed, we are so clooosed! 🤞

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta-7

11 May 17:21
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Bubble Card 2 - The One?

If you missed it, you can take a look at the 2.0.0-beta.1 (huge) full changelog here.

Version 2.0.0-beta.7


This new beta is a major one. I've finally added the full support of the new section view! And I can now say that this is my recommended way to start with Bubble Card, I just love it! I've also added a new large layout for most of the cards to fit this new view type, but also a new large one where you can have two rows of sub-buttons!

Pasted Graphic 4

Also, I've finally redesigned my dashboard to be 100% Bubble Card (except for the Frigate card, so let's say 99%). Here is what you can achieve now with this new release in the new section view:


My next big step is to finish the new documentation (WIP), and I'm planning to add a lot of advanced examples to customize Bubble Card! We are getting closer!

I can't wait for your feedback as always!

💡 New features

  • Section support and new layouts: You can now change the layout to make the cards bigger to fit the new Home Assistant section view. In YAML, you have access to card_layout: large and card_layout: large_2_rows if you want 2 rows of sub-buttons. These layouts are also working on the other view types.

  • Section column and rows support: In YAML, you can change that with columns: 2 and rows: 1 for example. Thank you again @brunosabot for that part!

  • Sub-button custom icon template: You can now change the sub-buttons icons with a template. Here is an example of a template that changes the icon of the third sub-button (0 is 1) based on an entity state: ${subButtonIcon[2].setAttribute("icon", hass.states[''].state === 'error' ? 'mdi:alert' : 'mdi:robot-mower')}, try that in the custom styles editor.

  • Custom weather icon template: You can also get the weather icon based on a weather entity or any sensor that returns the weather condition, like sunny will return mdi:weather-sunny. This is helpful to make a weather card based on a state button for example. Here is how you can do that: ${subButtonIcon[2].setAttribute("icon", getWeatherIcon(hass.states['weather.home'].state))}

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the pop-up close on click feature
  • Fixed the issues with the sub-buttons tap actions
  • Fixed a lot of button and sub-buttons editor issues with the help of @brunosabot!
  • Removed the possibility to set actions on a button when the button is a slider (this was not working together)
  • Fixed a memory leak in the sub-buttons code
  • The pop-ups are not taking space anymore when placed in a section view
  • And fixed a lot more!

Well, again... and again... fingers crossed 🤞

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.6

28 Apr 14:52
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Bubble Card 2 - The True Final Beta?

Version 2.0.0-beta.6

💡 New features

  • Added the possibility to change the icon in a custom style template, you can now do this: ${state === 'on' ? icon.setAttribute("icon", "mdi:lightbulb") : icon.setAttribute("icon", "mdi:lightbulb-off")};

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed an issue with the custom icons of the cover buttons
  • Fixed an issue on the button slider when the entity is an input_number
  • Changed last_updated to last_changed for the states
  • Removed scrolling effect in the sub-buttons editor (it was unused)
  • Fixed some color issues in the editor
  • Fixed the horizontal button stack errors
  • Fixed the pop-up default color on some themes
  • Changed pop-up z-index to 5

Well again... fingers crossed 🤞

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.5

25 Apr 10:06
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Bubble Card 2 - The Final Beta?

Version 2.0.0-beta.5

This is a quick update to correct the colors of the sub-buttons for users with light themes.

Well I've released 3 betas in less than an hour, this was definitely not the final beta 👀 But I really hope that this one is the one!

Version 2.0.0-beta.3 and 4

Hello, everyone!

It took me more effort than I thought, but I believe I've resolved all the issues you've reported. This beta might just be our stable version! 🤞

Meanwhile, I've included some new features you requested. For example, you can now turn off the scrolling text effect. Plus, I've added even more icons that change according to the state, just like Home Assistant does by default.

I've also fixed a new issue that popped up in this v2. With pop-ups and the horizontal buttons stack, you no longer need to apply the "Fix when the sidebar is hidden" setting, it's automatic now and I've removed this option from the editor.

About the editor, there were some major issues on some setups, especially with the sub-buttons and tap actions. These should all be sorted out now!

For Google Nest Hub users, I've worked on a longstanding problem. I don't own a Google Nest Hub myself, but I'm hopeful this update will finally solve it!

And here is more:

💡 New features

  • Media player volume now shows the percentage on the slider.
  • You can now disable auto-scrolling for text.
  • Set default actions for sub-buttons to "More info".
  • Brought back the previous 'scroll to close' for pop-ups.
  • Added default icons for (nearly) everything.

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the sub-button layout updating with every Home Assistant refresh.
  • Google Nest Hub issue fixed?
  • The pop-up header now updates entity state changes correctly.
  • Resolved a slider issue on desktop.
  • Fixed several issues with the horizontal buttons stack.
  • Fixed and removed the unnecessary fix for when the sidebar is hidden.
  • Sorted out some editor issues with sub-buttons and tap actions.
  • Pop-up layout issues is now fixed.

And there are even more improvements that I've not listed.

Well, finger crossed 🤞

Bubble Card v2.0.0-beta.4

25 Apr 09:31
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Bubble Card 2 - The Final Beta?

⚠️ This is the true 2.0.0-beta.3, the previous one was the previous v1.7.3 release, my bad!

Version 2.0.0-beta.3 and 4

Hello, everyone!

It took me more effort than I thought, but I believe I've resolved all the issues you've reported. This beta might just be our stable version! 🤞

Meanwhile, I've included some new features you requested. For example, you can now turn off the scrolling text effect. Plus, I've added even more icons that change according to the state, just like Home Assistant does by default.

I've also fixed a new issue that popped up in this v2. With pop-ups and the horizontal buttons stack, you no longer need to apply the "Fix when the sidebar is hidden" setting, it's automatic now and I've removed this option from the editor.

About the editor, there were some major issues on some setups, especially with the sub-buttons and tap actions. These should all be sorted out now!

For Google Nest Hub users, I've worked on a longstanding problem. I don't own a Google Nest Hub myself, but I'm hopeful this update will finally solve it!

And here is more:

💡 New features

  • Media player volume now shows the percentage on the slider.
  • You can now disable auto-scrolling for text.
  • Set default actions for sub-buttons to "More info".
  • Brought back the previous 'scroll to close' for pop-ups.
  • Added default icons for (nearly) everything.

✔️ Bug fixes and optimizations

  • Fixed the sub-button layout updating with every Home Assistant refresh.
  • Google Nest Hub issue fixed?
  • The pop-up header now updates entity state changes correctly.
  • Resolved a slider issue on desktop.
  • Fixed several issues with the horizontal buttons stack.
  • Fixed and removed the unnecessary fix for when the sidebar is hidden.
  • Sorted out some editor issues with sub-buttons and tap actions.
  • Pop-up layout issues is now fixed.

And there are even more improvements that I've not listed.

Well, finger crossed 🤞