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Windows Quick Start Guide

russplaysguitar edited this page Nov 10, 2012 · 8 revisions

Popcorn.js Quick-Start Guide (Windows):

1) Get the source:
  1. Install git and set up GitHub:
  2. Give Scott or Russ your github username and email address
  3. Clone our fork (recursively including submodules): git clone --recursive
2) Compile the project:
  1. Install Cygwin or Linux
    • Cygwin users: Include make and python with your installation
  2. Build Popcorn-js by running make in the popcorn-js directory
3) Run the tests:
  1. Mute your sound
  2. Start the http server: ./tools/
  3. Open the QUnit test runner in your browser: http://localhost:9914/test/


  • Sometimes tests will fail. Re-run any failing tests individually to see if there actually is a failure.
  • Report failing tests: Add a new ticket
4) Run the example:
  • Open popcorn-js/example.html in your web browser.
5) Browse the issues and pick an open one:
6) Review the developer workflow and guidelines:
7) Code!
  • Find another person to work with.
  • If you get stuck, pick a different issue to work on.