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I'll probably change a few things. Notably block names. I might switch styles and scripts to pagestyles and pagescripts. And possibly change shim to other. Since we don't really need a shim anymore and we do need to be able to list things like robots.txt and sitemap.xml and such.

I need to include more information on certain libraries. Some libraries included with AdminLTE are very old and when feasible or necessary, more recent versions are included in the parent node_modules directory. The assetic file included with this project has examples of how to point a named javascript library to a different resource.


The Presentation Bundle is no longer a standalone implementation of Bootstrap. After much consideration, I have chosen to integrate the existing open-source AdminLTE (CSS and JS framework) project into the bundle. AdminLTE has several benefits over rolling our own presentation. That is, most notably, we now have a compliment of developers contributing and improving on our theme.


Being that this bundle is for Symfony projects, a few PHP projects are needed for this bundle to work:

The Presentation Bundle relies heavily on several css and js libraries and packages, they are as follows:

Optionally, AdminLTE has a bunch of plugins available as well. Many of these plugins are maintained in the Presentation node modules directory which are later versions of the projects. By default, the Presentation assets are pointed to this directory rather than the AdminLTE plugins directory. They are:

Recommendations and Compatibilities

This bundle works out of the box with other MESD owned bundles. They are:


NOTE: This bundle contains all the javascript, css, and other libraries needed to use this bundle. There is no need to do an npm install, webpack whatever, or any other command besides invoking the app/console assets:install and app/console assetic:dump commands.

Edit your comsposer.json file:

"repositories": [
        "type" : "vcs",
        "url" : ""

From a command line:

$ composer require mesd/presentation-bundle

Add the bundle to your AppKernel.php file:

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Mesd\MenuBundle\MesdMenuBundle(),

Update the app/config.yml file:

#   ...
    - { resource: "@MesdPresentationBundle/Resources/config/assetic.yml" }

#   ...
        - "@MesdPresentationBundle/Resources/views/Form/bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig"

Run assetic from the console:

$ app/console assets:install
$ app/console assetic:dump

It is a good idea copy all of the views from the bundle and place a copy in your app directory so you can make any changes to any file to customize your layout.

From your project's root directory:

$ cp -R vendor/mesd/presentation-bundle/Mesd/PresentationBundle/Resources/views app/Resources/MesdPresentationBundle/views

In addition, another good idea is to create a base.html.twig file in your app/views directory, like so:

# app/views/base.html.twig
{% extends 'MesdPresentationBundle::base.html.twig' %}

All future templates can simply extend ::base.html.twig to get the full benefits of this bundle.


# Mesd Presentation Configuration
        trans_domain:      "%trans_domain%"
        app_name:          "%app_name%"
        app_abbreviation:  "%app_abbreviation%"
        app_description:   "%app_description%"
        app_keywords:      "%app_keywords%"
        app_url:           "%app_url%"
        app_version:       "%app_version%"
        app_license_1:     "%app_license_1%"
        app_license_url_1: "%app_license_url_1%"
        app_license_2:     "%app_license_2%"
        app_license_url_2: "%app_license_url_2%"
        org_name:          "%org_name%"
        org_abbreviation:  "%org_abbreviation%"
        org_address:       "%org_address%"
        org_telephone:     "%org_telephone%"
        org_email:         "%org_email%"
        org_url:           "%org_url%"

Twig Extensions

Global Extension

Included in this bundle is a Twig Extension to use global placeholders throughout your templates. This is for parts of the templates that don't change often or between installations; such as your application name, licenses, organizational names and addresses. You are free to add your own in the config file. You may also remove the ones you don't use, just remember to remove them from templates you extend.

NOTE: This is really nothing different than using the Twig Globals feature except that it is namespaced under mesd_presentation.


# app/config/config.yml
        foo_bar: I am foo bar!
<p>{{ mesd_presentation.foo_bar }}</p>


<p>I am foo bar!</p>

The Base Template

The base template for the presentation bundle has been simplified greatly. It includes fewer blocks with more options to override as needed making it more flexible and customizable.

Blocks (Base Template Only)

Block Name and Purpose

  • _html - Contains entire document.
  • html - Contains content between html tags.
  • _head - Contains content including head tags.
  • head - Contains content between head tags.
  • metas - Contains meta tag content. Already outermost block.
  • title - Contains title tag content. Already outermost block.
  • stylesheets - Contains style tag content. Already outermost block.
  • fonts - Contains resource tag content. Already outermost block.
  • icos - Contains resource tag content. Already outermost block.
  • shim - Contains script tag content. Already outermost block.
  • _body - Contains content including body tags.
  • body - Contains content between body tags.
  • _header - Contains content including header tags. This is the top navigation bar.
  • header - Contains content including header tags. This is the top navigation bar.
  • _wrapper - Contains content including div.wrapper tags. Wrapper holds all content between header and footer.
  • wrapper - Contains content between div.wrapper tags. Wrapper holds all content between header and footer.
    • _leftaside - Contains content between aside.sidebar tags.
    • leftaside - Contains content including aside.sidebar tags.
    • _main - Contains content including main tags.
    • main - Contains content between main.container-fluid > div.row > div.col-sm-12 > tags.
  • _footer - Contains content including footer tags.
  • footer - Contains content between footer tags.
  • modals - Contains div content for modals. Used for code organization. If javascript not running, a no-js message degrades gracefully to prevent modals displaying on page. Already outermost block.
  • javascripts - Contains script tag content. Already outermost block.
  • scripts - Contains script tag content. Used for page specific scripts. Code runs after script libraries are loaded to prevent dependencies not being met. Also used for code organization. Already outermost block.

Block Hierarchy

presentation bundle layout

  • _html
  • html
    • _head
    • head
      • metas
      • title
      • stylesheets
      • fonts
      • icos
      • shim
    • _body
    • body
      • _header
      • header
      • _wrapper
      • wrapper
        • _leftaside
        • leftaside
        • _main
        • main
      • _footer
      • footer
      • modals
      • javascripts
      • scripts

Overriding a Block

When overriding a block, be aware that only 'inner content' is replaced. To override the 'outer content', simply include an underscore prior to the block name. For example:

Override the main content block:

{% extends 'MesdPresentationBundle:Default:list.html.twig' %}

{% block main %}
Hello, world!
{% endblock main %}


    <main class="container-fluid">
        <div class="inner-container">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-12">Hello, world!</div>

Override the _main content block:

{% extends 'MesdPresentationBundle:Default:list.html.twig' %}

{% block _main %}
Hello, world!
{% endblock _main %}


Hello, world!