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NetopeerGUI is web graphical user interface for configuring devices based on protocol NETCONF. For more info visit Public web section about Netopeer.

NetopeerGUI is developed as Symfony2 app.

Important: This is new version using Libnetconf2 and NetopeerGUID. It might contain some new bugs, especially in UI, but we are trying to improve all the stuff. You can use older version v1.0, which is working with libnetconf1 and mod_netconf, if you need.

NetopeerGUI demo installation - using Vagrant on CentOS7

If you do not have a vagrant box for CentOS7 box yet, use:

vagrant box add centos/7 --provider=virtualbox

Clone this repository and run following:

cd install
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo su
sed -i 's/SELINUX=\(enforcing\|permissive\)/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
exit; exit
# due to SElinux settings
vagrant reload
vagrant ssh
sudo su
cd /var/www/netopeergui
php composer.phar install
service httpd restart
service netopeerguid restart

After that, you can run NetopeerGUI on local port :2280, so open http://localhost:2280/netopeergui Username and password is admin:pass. Now, you can connect to any NETCONF device.

TODO: Removing problems with SElinux are in progress.

You can use Vagrant for Ubuntu too

Clone this repository and run following:

cd install/ubuntu
vagrant up



To install, run the following commands:

# go to apache web directory
cd /var/www

git clone

cd netopeer-gui

# build from predefined scripts    
cd install

# or build manually
git submodule update --init --recursive 
cd install


# for change some variables, look at ./configure --help

su # installation must be done as root
make install

cd ../
# check server configuration and repair errors
php app/check.php

php ./composer.phar install

Underhood - install folder

Install folder includes necesarry files for communicating with NETCONF devices. For netopeerguid update follow instructions on netopeerguid site.

Configure script check all dependencies and prepares all resources for install.

Make install will also copy netopeergui.conf into /etc/httpd/conf.d/ folder. Change this manually, if you need.


For a more detailed explanation of symfony2 installation, see the Installation chapter of the Symfony Documentation.

First steps

  1. Open site http://localhost/netopeergui
  2. Login using admin, pass (this credentials were created during installation)
  3. Connect to the device using SSH credentials
  4. Click Configure device

Setting custom user

For setting new user or edit current, use command line script. This script will create or update user in DB. There is no "GUI" for user settings.

Create user

php app/console app:user [--action=add] --user=username --pass=password

Remove user

php app/console app:user --action=add --user=username

Change password

php app/console app:user --action=edit --user=username --pass=newpass [--new-username=newusername]

Using SAML

NetopeerGUI has implemented login using SAML and SamlSPBundle. For configuration, you must edit /app/config/security.yml file. Find section

        pattern: ^/(?!login_check)
        anonymous: true
            login_path: /saml/sp/login
            check_path: /saml/sp/acs
            logout_path: /saml/sp/logout
            failure_path: /saml/sp/failure
            metadata_path: /saml/sp/FederationMetadata.xml
            discovery_path: /saml/sp/discovery
            local_logout_path: /logout/
            provider: saml_user_provider
            create_user_if_not_exists: true
                        file: "@FITNetopeerBundle/Resources/saml/openidp.metadata.xml"
                            # required
                            entity_id: netopeergui_sauvignon
                            # if different then url being used in request
                            # used for construction of assertion consumer and logout urls in SP entity descriptor
                            # must implement SPSigningProviderInterface
                            # id:

                            # or use built in SPSigningProviderFile with specific certificate and key files
                            cert_file: "@FITNetopeerBundle/Resources/saml/server.pem"
                            key_file: "@FITNetopeerBundle/Resources/saml/server.key"
                            key_pass: ""
                            # must implement SpMetaProviderInterface
                            # id:

                            # or use builtin SpMetaConfigProvider
                            # any valid saml name id format or shortcuts: persistent or transient
                            name_id_format: persistent
                                # any saml binding or shortcuts: post or redirect
                                authn_request: redirect
                                logout_request: post

and edit following lines:

file: "@FITNetopeerBundle/Resources/saml/openidp.metadata.xml"
entity_id: netopeergui_sauvignon

Configuration notes are described in SamlSPBundle configuration doc.

This example service uses user provider. For register this your netopeerGUI, generate FederationMetadata.xml file (located in /saml/sp/FederationMetadata.xml) and upload it into OpenIDP.