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QuickNick allows you to add nicknames to your server with little effort or if you prefer, much more effort.

Explained config

# QNick configuration guide

# Enables or disables the `nick` command (true = enabled, false = disabled)
# May be useful if using a plugin which uses the QNickAPI
command: true

# Changes a users name to their nick (if found) on join (true = enabled, false = disabled)
# May be useful if using a plugin which uses the QNickAPI
changenameonjoin: true

# SQL, if true uses an SQL database to store nicknames
# Set to false to use PDC (see below for an explanation)
sql: false

# These options only apply if SQL is enabled
  host: ""
  port: 3306
  db: "yourDB"
  username: "username"
  password: "password"

# Debug options

# Enable/disable API access (true = enabled, false = disabled)
# May be useful to server owners when debugging plugin issues
apienabled: true

What is PDC?

PDC stands for PersistentDataContainer, this allows QuickNick to save the nickname of a user in the user's .dat file, however this means it is impossible to sync nicknames between servers.

What is SQL?

SQL is a form of Database storage which can be accessed from multiple servers, if you have multiple servers connected to the SQL server then nicknames can be synced.


Here are some instructions for some GitHub things some people may want to mess with

Getting development builds

Visit here to get the latest development builds, however, BE WARNED

These builds are not stable whatsoever, do NOT use them on a production server, I am not responsible for any damage the development versions do