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Bacteria Speciation Website

Hello! Welcome to our website! This is where we will be hosting our bacteria speciation project for the world to test against.


  • node.js
  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • (HTML/CSS)
  • Magic

The File Structure

An overview of the file structure once the server is deployed. Tree outlines important files only. Files marked *** are not shipped and instead pulled dynamically at init.

+-- .ebextensions          // a hidden folder, must be named this to be found by AWS
|   +-- 01run.config       //echos `ebextensions ran` you can search for in launch logs 
|   +-- 02commands.config  // tells launch scripts to run ''
+-- app.js                 // the server
+--               // compiles the project
+-- efs                    // short for 'elastic file system'. legacy name, AWS EFS is not used.
|   +-- progs              // all programs that are called are stored here.
|   |   +-- mafft
|   |   +-- usearch
|   |   +-- etc.
|   +-- results             // the location of the 'database' to compare against.
|   |   +-- Acetobacter_pasteurianus // *** database is dynamically loaded, ships empty.
|   |   +-- etc.
|   +-- uploads           // the location of the comparison files
|   +-- ConSpeciFix       // *** cloned from github on deployment
|   +-- ExploratoryPhase  // *** cloned from github on deployment
+-- engines               // holds the first code we run that is not node.js
|   +--             // kicks off the whole comparison or exploration process.
+-- graphAnalyzer         // holds
+-- index.html            // the website parent page.
+--               // initializing script run at server launch
+-- package.json          // tells AWS dependencies for server.
+-- res                   // pictures, example output, etc.
+-- uploads               // the first destination of all uploaded files.
+-- webapp.css/js         // javascript and css files for website.

Setting up the Server

An overview of how to deploy the server to AWS, and special notes about configuration that have been modified from vanilla elastic beanstalk.

  1. From the app directory, run ./ This script gathers together the necessary files from the app folder, zips them together, and places the completed build in the dist directory, titled with a timestamp.
  2. Upload the zip file to the ConSpeciFix environment via the "upload and deploy" button. This kicks off a large chain of automated steps:
    • The application is loaded onto an AWS node.js server instance
    • app/.ebextensions/02commands.config tells AWS configuration settings to run app/ When is run, the application exists at the file path: /tmp/deployment/application/.
    • begins by cloning the most up-to-date versions of the github repo and installing all necessary software. It also marks the efs directory as usable by all user-groups, allowing processes started by node.js to run the scripts we just cloned.
    • The project is moved by AWS launching scripts to /var/app/current/
    • the node.js server is started and is hooked up to listen to ports connecting the server to the website.

Calling a Comparison

A step-by-step guide to how a comparison is launched.

  1. The form is filled out in app/home/home.html. This form connects to the angular variables through ng-model, the current state of the form item, as well as ng-disabled and ng-click, which determine actions of when the item is disabled and what function to call when it is clicked.

  2. The angular logic behind ng-model and ng-click is defined in app/home/home.js. The important parts of this file are $scope.uploadFile = function() { where we define what happens when a user uploads their file. First, we create a FormData() object and append all of the relevant fields from the angular model ($, etc.). Second, we send this form via an XMLHttpRequest to the server in the last two lines:"POST", "/upload")
  1. The nodejs server in app/app.js receives the request near the logic request.method==="POST" and request.url === "/upload". Here, we receive the incoming form and place the file from it into app/uploads/<timestamp>/. We then start app/engines/ making sure to give it through parameters some user information.

  2. app/engines/ then begins to prepare for the comparison by unzipping the upload, renaming it, and moving it to the correct location. Here, the process begins to differ for a comparison versus an exploratory phase. Continuing on we will only look at the comparison.

  3. app/efs/ConSpeciFix/web/ is then called, properly initialized to run the correct files and uploads. The web variant of ConSpeciFix is different from the Database Building variety in that instead of reading the location of the database and test subject from a standard config file, it takes this information as a parameter. This allows a single copy of the code to be used simultaneously while pointing to different locations on the server's file system. The process begins by downloading the base comparison species from, and will email the user upon completion.

Adding new species to the database

  1. Prep the species you will be adding by running and script in auxScripts of the ConSpeciFix project.

  2. Upload the zip files to the S3 conspecifix-data-bucket

  3. Add the names of the files to the list in app/home/home.html

A note on site design

This Angular / Bootstrap website has two different layers:

  • index.html contains the "wrappers" on the website, including
    • the nav bar
    • the background image
    • the box that content appears in
  • Content pages, like the home page, people, process, etc. are all segregated into folders and related files.