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Releases: BoPeng/simuPOP

Release of simuPOP 1.1.12

23 May 19:13
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This is a maintained release for Python 3.11.

Release of simuPOP 1.1.10

08 Mar 03:59
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This is a bug fix release that fixes a bug that was introduced in simuPOP 1.1.9 regarding the use of HeterMating with empty subpopulations.

Release of simuPOP 1.1.9

25 Nov 03:03
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This is a bug fix release of simuPOP with the following new features and bug fixes:

  • #28: Fix a segmentation fault when providing a non-existent VSP index
  • #31: Allow operator DiscardIf to accept a probability in addition to True/False
  • #35: Add a weightBy parameter to allow HeteroMating to produce offspring subpopulation with weights determined by not only the size of the parental subpopulation, but also by for example number of mating pairs.
  • #49: Fix output of loci positions in MS and other formats.