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Components (Reusable)

Mandi Haase edited this page May 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

Component Tree




A component that auto completes location when user begins entering a city name. This component is used in components where a user enters in a location in an input field.


This component was previously used in the EditReviewForm.js but was removed. It has not been deleted because it could possibly be put back into use.


This component is imported into the AddCompanyForm.js and is designed to take the props and ref from AddCompanyForm.js and export the information as forwardedInput (also used in Autocomplete.js).


A component that is designed to take in props and ref but currently is not being used.


An input field used in Login.js, Signup.js, and Signup-Additional.js and validates the email and password of the person signing in.


A modal imported into the Navbar.js. This modal appears when a blocked user clicks on the Write a review button. When the user clicks the Close button the modal closes. There is also a Contact Admin Button but no functionality has been added.


This component is currently not being used and is not functional. It is designed to show a Link to /add-company if a company is not found in the company list.


This component is used in ProgressHeader.js component and shows the progress of the user as they are completing the interview or company review form. It receives props from the Progress Header.


This component is an array of objects for states with their id and state_name. It is imported into the AddCompanyForm.js, EditReviewForm.js, EditInterviewForm.js, CompanyReviewForm.js, and InterviewForm.js and used for the CustomAutoComplete input at a statesSelectorHelper.


This component is used in the CompanyReviewForm.js and InterviewForm.js. It displays the three "thinking" dots that appear when the form is processing each section.


This component is an array of years imported into Signup-Additional.js and EditUserProfile.js. and is mapped through to display the years in a drop down menu.