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'csv2ades.c' (code to convert Gaia asteroid astrometry from .csv to A…
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
…DES XML) heavily revised. It now figures out which file(s) are needed, provides more intelligent error messages, and the documentation at the top of the file is less confusing. The resulting ADES files will pass the XML validation.
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Bill-Gray committed Feb 11, 2024
1 parent 45f59a0 commit 0be6981
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 49 deletions.
136 changes: 87 additions & 49 deletions csv2ades.c
@@ -1,55 +1,58 @@
/* Code to process Gaia-DR2 observations from CSV files at
/* Code to process Gaia asteroid observation data into ADES format.
_or_ Gaia-DR3 observations from somewhat differently formatted files at
Gaia has provided asteroid astrometry in three releases, each time
in slightly different CSV formats that are non-standard and a little
oddly organized. The most recent (and generally preferred) data are
in the FPR (Focussed Product Release) :
_or_ Gaia-FPR (Focussed Product Release) files at
These do lack photometry, but the preceding Gaia-DR3 files,
into the ADES format. Run as, for example,
provide that. This program no longer processes the eldest Gaia-DR2
data from
./csv2ades input_file.csv > output.ades
./csv2ades -4179,101955 input_file.csv > output.ades
The first example would output all the observations from
'input_file.csv'. The second example would output only observations
for objects (4179) Toutatis to (101955) Bennu.
To use this program, download and un-GZip the necessary CSV file(s)
from the above sites. Run this program as, for example,
Further notes : there are four GZIPped files in the above directory
for DR2, ranging from about 50 to 78 MBytes compressed and expanding
to 150 to 230 MBytes uncompressed. Each contains astrometry for a
specific range of numbered minor planets; for example, the first has
data for objects (8) Flora to (4435) Holt.
./csv2ades 4179 > output.ades
./csv2ades 4179,101955 > output.ades
SsoObservation_-4284967216_-4284922946.csv.gz 8 - 4435
SsoObservation_-4284922936_-4284857966.csv.gz 4436 - 10933
SsoObservation_-4284857946_-4284702156.csv.gz 10935 - 26514
SsoObservation_-4284702096_-4283326086.csv.gz 26520 - 164121
The first example would output all the observations for (4179)
Toutatis to 'output.ades'. The second example would output observations
for all objects from (4179) Toutatis to (101955) Bennu, inclusive.
Note that the output files can get to be pretty big. You may be
better off just running an object or a few at a time.
The Gaia DR3 and FPR data are less obviously arranged and are larger.
In what I assume is an effort to make the files of similar size,
numbered object (N) is placed in the file
There are 20 GZIPped files in the above directory for FPR, each about
1.3 GBytes, 27 GBytes for all twenty. Each file contains astrometry for
about 1/20 of the numbered minor planets observed by Gaia. Numbered
object (N) is placed in the file
where xx = (N + 11) mod 20. Thus, for example, the data for
(118186) would be in the file SsoObservation_17.csv. The reason
for the offset by 11 eludes me. */
for the offset by 11 eludes me. It does mean that if you're looking
for a specific object, you can figure out which file will have data
for it and then download only that file. (Or you can run the above
command and get an error message telling you which file wasn't found.) */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "watdefs.h"
#include "date.h"

static char *get_csv( char *obuff, const char *ibuff,
const char *header, const char *tag)
const char *header, const char *tag, const size_t max_len)
size_t i;
unsigned nval = 0;
Expand All @@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ static char *get_csv( char *obuff, const char *ibuff,
assert( ibuff);
for( i = 0; ibuff[i] && ibuff[i] != ','; i++)
for( i = 0; i < max_len && ibuff[i] && ibuff[i] != ','; i++)
obuff[i] = ibuff[i];
obuff[i] = '\0';
return( obuff);
Expand All @@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ static void csv_to_ades( const char *ibuff, const char *header,
char tbuff[90];
int num;

get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "number_mp,");
get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "number_mp,", 9);
num = atoi( tbuff);
if( num >= low_num && num <= high_num)
Expand All @@ -94,31 +97,31 @@ static void csv_to_ades( const char *ibuff, const char *header,
printf( " <stn>258</stn>\n");
printf( " <sys>ICRF_AU</sys>\n");
printf( " <ctr>0</ctr>\n");
printf( " <pos1>%s</pos1>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "x_gaia,"));
printf( " <pos2>%s</pos2>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "y_gaia,"));
printf( " <pos3>%s</pos3>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "z_gaia,"));
jd_obs = atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "epoch_utc,")) + jd_epoch;
printf( " <pos1>%s</pos1>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "x_gaia,", 13));
printf( " <pos2>%s</pos2>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "y_gaia,", 13));
printf( " <pos3>%s</pos3>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "z_gaia,", 13));
jd_obs = atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "epoch_utc,", 99)) + jd_epoch;
full_ctime( tbuff, jd_obs, FULL_CTIME_MILLISECS | FULL_CTIME_YMD
tbuff[4] = tbuff[7] = '-';
tbuff[10] = 'T';
printf( " <obsTime>%sZ</obsTime>\n", tbuff);
printf( " <ra>%s</ra>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "ra,"));
printf( " <dec>%s</dec>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "dec,"));
printf( " <rmsRA>%f</rmsRA>\n", atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "ra_error_random,")) / 1000.);
printf( " <rmsDec>%f</rmsDec>\n", atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "dec_error_random,")) / 1000.);
printf( " <rmsCorr>%s</rmsCorr>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "ra_dec_correlation_random,"));
printf( " <ra>%.9f</ra>\n", atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "ra,", 99)));
printf( " <dec>%.9f</dec>\n", atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "dec,", 99)));
printf( " <rmsRA>%.5f</rmsRA>\n", atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "ra_error_random,", 99)) / 1000.);
printf( " <rmsDec>%.5f</rmsDec>\n", atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "dec_error_random,", 99)) / 1000.);
printf( " <rmsCorr>%s</rmsCorr>\n", get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "ra_dec_correlation_random,", 10));
printf( " <astCat>Gaia3</astCat>\n");
if( strstr( header, "g_mag,")) /* FPR doesn't have magnitude data */
get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "g_mag,");
get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "g_mag,", 9);
if( *tbuff >= '0' && *tbuff <= '9')
double g_flux, g_flux_sigma;

printf( " <mag>%s</mag>\n", tbuff);
g_flux = atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "g_flux"));
g_flux_sigma = atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "g_flux_error"));
g_flux = atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "g_flux", 99));
g_flux_sigma = atof( get_csv( tbuff, ibuff, header, "g_flux_error", 99));
printf( " <rmsMag>%.3f</rmsMag>\n",
(g_flux_sigma / g_flux) / log( 2.512));
printf( " <band>G</band>\n");
Expand All @@ -129,30 +132,65 @@ static void csv_to_ades( const char *ibuff, const char *header,

static void error_exit( void)
fprintf( stderr, "Run as 'csv2ades (asteroid number)' for ADES data on a single\n"
"object, or 'csv2ades (lownum,highnum)' for ADES data for a range\n"
"of numbered objects. Output is to stdout. See 'csv2ades.c' for\n"
"information about where to get the Gaia data in CSV files, needed\n"
"as input to this program.\n");
exit( -1);

/* See above comments about the layout of numbered observations in the
various SsoObservation_XX.csv files. Unless you ask for more than 20
asteroids, we don't need to look at all twenty files. */

static bool file_needed( const int file_no, const int low_num, const int high_num)
int i;

for( i = low_num; i <= high_num && i < low_num + 20; i++)
if( ((i + 11) % 20) == file_no)
return true;
return( false);

int main( const int argc, const char **argv)
FILE *hdr_file = fopen( "gaia.hdr", "rb");
char buff[800];
int i, low_num = 1, high_num = 1000000;
int low_num, high_num = -1, file_num;

if( !hdr_file)
perror( "Can't open 'gaia.hdr'");
return( -1);
for( i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if( argv[i][0] == '-')
sscanf( argv[i] + 1, "%d,%d", &low_num, &high_num);
if( argc != 2 || sscanf( argv[1], "%d,%d", &low_num, &high_num) < 1)
fprintf( stderr, "No asteroids specified on the command line\n");
error_exit( );
if( high_num < 0) /* just specified one asteroid */
high_num = low_num;
while( fgets( buff, sizeof( buff), hdr_file))
if( *buff != '*')
printf( "%s", buff);
else for( i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if( argv[i][0] != '-')
else for( file_num = 0; file_num < 20; file_num++)
if( file_needed( file_num, low_num, high_num))
FILE *ifile = fopen( argv[i], "rb");
FILE *ifile;
char header[800];

assert( ifile);
snprintf( buff, sizeof( buff), "SsoObservation_%02d.csv", file_num);
ifile = fopen( buff, "rb");
if( !ifile)
fprintf( stderr, "File '%s' not found\n"
"'csv2ades.c' contains directions on where to get Gaia data\n", buff);
exit( -2);
*header = '\0';
while( fgets( buff, sizeof( buff), ifile))
Expand Down

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