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JenDiamond edited this page Jun 1, 2014 · 9 revisions


2 makes a ride

Many people around Los Angeles have bikes and enjoy riding them. Other cyclists reserve the pleasure of riding for remote areas, away from traffic; commuting by bicycle may seem like madness to these cyclists but nonetheless there are a lot of us out there, riding our bikes to work and to play. The health benefits of riding outweigh the risks.

We are inviting you to find us. When the feeling strikes you we are a click away. In a city full of bicyclists we are often riding alone. Now you can easily find other riders to join you. Riding together we're more visible, we're safer, and we're having more fun.

You are about to leave work. It's a long ride across town. You check Bike++. He is just two blocks away, He is waiting 10 minutes after work to see if anyone is heading the same way across town. You join up, make a new friend and have a great ride home together.

You just ran over some glass and have a flat. You check Bike++. She's carrying a bike pump and a patch kit. She is close enough to swing by and help you get back on the road.

Given the emergent nature of these rides, the data set we are using is also emergent and built from the needs of the riders. This data will create an extremely descriptive log about which paths cyclists use and which areas are under-served. It will also create a tighter knit community of cyclists and make the idea of bicycle commuting less daunting to a new rider.

Many people around Los Angeles have bikes and enjoy riding them.

We are inviting you to find us.

You are about to leave work.

You just ran over some glass and have a flat.

This data will create an extremely descriptive log

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