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Yacine Mahdid edited this page Jan 4, 2019 · 5 revisions


EEGsonic is an application made in MATLAB to gather electroencephalographic (EEG) data, calculate brain features and send them in the Open Sound Control (OSC) format all in real-time. This application purposes is to serves as a platform on which to build BCI tools in a flexible way.


How it works?

EEGsonic was made in MATLAB. It work as a three step process:

  1. First the user can select which headset he wishes to user (currently the EGI-129 and DSI-24 are supported), what OSC control process he want to receive the data and what analysis techniques he wishes to calculate on the data. After filling out the parameters the user can press the Launch button.
  2. At this point, two thread are started for the application. One to collect the data the other to calculate the features on the data segments. When a feature is done being calculated it is sent through COM port to the right OSC receiver.
  3. After the message is sent the OSC receiver take care of handling the message and acting appropriately. The user only need to know what the format of the message is to be able to code a OSC receiver, which can be easily found here.


EEGsonic is still in development by the Biosignal Interaction and Personhood Technology Lab (BIAPT) and is not ready yet for full release.